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About Holllow_

Holllow_'s Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Ohh ok. Well at least its cheap thanks for the reply guys :P
  2. Would like to know how much it costs or if theres another way to still get it.
  3. Holllow_

    T> for SGW

  4. sorry skoll sold new updated list
  5. bought
  6. Holllow_

    T> for SGW

  7. Sniper[60] General E[20] 2*GTB[30ea] 5*Pharaoh[7ea] 4*Bascojin[45ea] 110*BOS tixs[40] GVH[450] Dev Ruky[500] +0 FKing Boots[95] Leave IGN Thnxs
  8. need many leave amount and IGN Thnxs usually on 4hours a day ill pm u [100:1]
  9. Holllow_

    T> for SGW

    T>my dev rucky+Gold valk+4*Bascojin cards+2*GTB+Sniper card+110 BOS Tixs+ +0Fking boots+750qpns=SGW Dev R[500] GVH[450] 4*bascojin[180] 2*GTB[60] Sniper[65] 110*BOS Tixs[40] +0 F.Boots[95] 750qpns = 2140qpns for ur SGW leave IGN Reposted
  10. Holllow_


    Bascojin[60] Skoll[15] leave IGN
  11. Holllow_


    Evil snake lord Orc Hero that is all leave IGN
  12. 550qpns
  13. Selling Gold Valk helm[550] Dev rucky [500] DL card [20]
  14. 2*Int Belts+Moonlight+3*Dark Lord+WS full set W/ Weps[both]+100qpns = any rucky leave name
  15. S> WS Axe[100] WS Dagger[40] WS Set[40] 2*Int Belts[95ea] 2*Moonlight cards[15ea] 3*Dark Lord[18ea] 2*Stormy Knight[10ea] 6*Mistress[3ea] Dracula[15] Orc Hero[15] Baphomet[10] Deviling[10] 4*Amon Ra Lord Knight card[50] In Game Name[iGN] Kula_
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