Manual Patching Guide
A) What is this Guide?
This guide is supposed to show you how to patch your kRO/Sakray client manually. This might be necessary if you have problems updating your client using Gravity's Patcher.
B ) What's wrong with Gravity's Patcher?
A good question and hard to answer.
The patcher downloads all data files and saves them temporarily. The data will be used after downloading all needed files and will then be repacked. However, after downloading a certain amount of data, about 50 mb to 70 mb, the patcher suddenly crashes. Since the temporarily saved data is ereased then, you will have to start anew but the patcher will crash again. Therefore you are not able to fully update your kRO/Sakray client.
Note: This bug does not seem to occur with every client version, but it does occur with certain versions (like mine =/ )
C) What is Manual Patching?
Manual Patching means that you search/download all necessary files yourself and update your kRO/Sakray client manually. There is no problem in combining the Gravity Patcher with Manual Patching, which is actually pretty smart, since you only need to manually patch the big-sized files, that makes the bug occur, and do not need to download every small file.
D) How to do Manual Patching (step by step)
1) Go to this site and open the folder "Patch" for Manual Patching kRO client and "SakPatch" for Manual Patching Sakray client.
2) Download the file "Patchup.exe" (kRO) respectively "Sakup.exe" (Sakray) at the bottom of the respective folder.
3) Either download all files you are missing or download all files with a bigger size (like all over ~2 mb) you are missing. The files are sorted by release date, newer files are at the bottom.
4) Put all these files as well as Patchup.exe/Sakup.exe in your RO main folder.
The path should be something like C:\...\Gravity\RO
5) Start the Patchup.exe/Sakup.exe and wait till it finishes. This might take some minutes.
6) You may delete all files you downloaded and put into the RO folder if you want to, but you can also keep them in your RO folder as backup.
7) Start your normal (automatical) Gravity Patcher and let it look for/download all files you are missing (should be some small files). If your Patcher crashes again because of a large file you overlooked, you need to repeat steps 1) - 7)
8) Once your Gravity patcher is finished with patching and doesnt find any new patches, you have succesfully updated your kRO/Sakray client and can enjoy the whole world of Forsaken RO! (dont forget to patch your Forsaken RO though ^^ )
//End of the guide
@GMs: can you move it to the right section please? =)
questions, critisism and rectifications are always welcome!