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About GlacierFist

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Cookie Napples+Dragon Fist=Agreed. Other people stop being racist to China >.>
  2. So Taiwan=China. And if Taiwan continues to be retarded. China might have to declare war which Taiwan will lose under one Nuke.
  3. Right now, people are saying: Taiwan and China are different countries!. Guess what? THEY ARE WRONG. Hundred of years ago, there is no such country called 'Taiwan', there is only a province of China called 'Taiwan'. And at the eyar of 1937, Japan armies came into China and tries to take over.Then 2 Revolution groups appear in China. The Communists-Lead my Mao tse Tong, And The Nationalists-Lead by Jiang Jie Shi. After they kicked Japanese troops out of our country, Jiang wants to rule China bythe feudal system. But Chair mao wants to achieve Republic/Democracy. So they started to fight. And the result is The nationalists lost. So Jiang took his army and ran to the province of China-taiwan. Jiang hates the Communists-So he hates China. Thats why he said that Taiwan is not a part of China, they wants to be alone. But guess what? When people from other country sees someone that looks Chinese, they don't ask, " hey, aare you taiwanese?" They ask ,"hey, are you Chinese?" If there is an animal, it looks like a dog, runs like a dog, barks like a dog, and acts like a dog. Then we will assume that the animal is a dog. And if there is a Kind of people, they looks like Chinese, follows Chinese traditions, eats CHinese food, speaks Chinese, and Write Chinese letters.Then we have to assume that they are CHINESE AND NOT TAIWANESE RIGHT?
  4. /swt What if it's 150 And Above?
  5. Lol This is like my first online leveling game LOL
  6. I love this shit man I used to watch like crazy(I still watch it like crazy =O).
  8. Man Im Cooler than this shit. No offense to anyone =)
  9. GlacierFist


    Watch-anime.net??? I think thats it, or google " watch anime.net"
  10. Lol here is a video of the opening of Gumndam Destiny and Code Geass, SO Similar that it's almost scary. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZSSe4ORWGE
  11. But I don't think they had anything. Noticed how Roan And Yuufa got 100X More mature after they job changed?? Before they are like laughing and joking around, but after they job change, they got so serious =S
  12. The Quantity here is 1 - Burning Heart - Burning Hair - Flame Heart - Glacial Heart - Hydra Card - Ice Cubic. Alright guys thanks for the help. =)
  13. GlacierFist

    Hai Guys

    New here and Ya. =)
  14. Err I just started this SERVER cause I found other servers boring /yawn And the only stuff that I have thats worth anything is an Amstr Hat, Ifrit Rings /rice -BUT- I can Improve later on. Wonder if Value or Elysium wants meh?? =P
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