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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Apo

  1. But then realized how we didnt gave a damn about your lag and kept going with the story... Then out of nowhere the walrus appeared
  2. For how many days this time.
  3. Apo

    Quuitting Shop

    I offer 1 DQ for all so I can start playing again ;D
  4. Stein from Soul Eater, especialy when
  5. Most F2P has fucked up economy with their item shops and credit card happy people, only way to be satisfised is the P2P games lately, and even so... it lacks of originality.
  6. Long range strip is useles, they'll have FCP as much as you do, they shouldn't have been buffed in the first place, you can't have hp AND fiiewpower and everything else in one, instead of creating balance you make things worst.
  7. i cant haz itamz mi account iz perma bents

  8. Cpt. Obvious to the rescue! He creates a new army similiar to the NAZI but he calls it KASSM and starts the somkercaust and...
  9. den a rule appears and no moar smokin in public areas so ss smoker get arested
  10. then his gay friend called him
  11. So then he called the suicidal hotlines and was surprised that the one who anwered was Heathedger so he hung up and started to play some xbox but he got a rrod because xbox fails and then he went to...
  12. But den on da run 2 keel dat nga, der waz Mr T n Chuck Norris chillin n smkin liek crazy n strated 2 sum tektonik dance
  13. Apo

    More Hp :3

    If you use 200 you get +200 all stats and also, when dat bird in the bottom right saw u, he did a facepalm.
  14. he even has the possibility to spit smke in pplz eyes to blind them to do a tactical retreat, and on a hot summer of july, he went to the beach...
  15. A retarded schysophrenic homosexual guy...
  16. Apo

    Windows 7

    If you were that good you wouldn't need a program to tell you whats wrong with it in the first place I don't randomly judge people I'm just stating the obvious, Windows XP is just a mere trash that keeps giving BSoD for just about any hardware you put in your PC and can't barely do anything, it's not my fault if you can't manage to get decent updated software that keeps crashing in the more modern version of windows, I never had any compatobilty issues or anything such as constant crashing, the only anoying thing is UAC and I turned it off, I am a fancy tech guy myself and I'm always making myself sure that everything will work fine whatever the way I must use.
  17. Apo

    More Hp :3

    Such sucky wiz will obviously have no hp, this server works so that you need mvp cards for your class to be "balanced"
  18. Apo

    Windows 7

    Another cheap pc owner blaming it on their os, it's like playing Aion on a 1980 Mac computer and blame it on mac that it doesn't work, give me a break... I'm using Windows 7 myself and I have yet to find any problems related to my usage such as scripting photoshop mysql web designs coding movies web browsing ect
  19. Apo


    hundreds of ppl sughested GTB to be nerfed, and yet never happent
  20. Apo


    why reviving dead threads in bulk?
  21. Apo

    Lighthalzen Aurora

    Who said we talked about novices? Gm can impliment status upon them with commands without being in the state itself. This isn't fury, but an exemple:
  22. If you play on xbox maybe
  23. No u
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