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--SuRe whY nOT--

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About --SuRe whY nOT--

--SuRe whY nOT--'s Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. when i said 255/242 thats my sinx's lvl
  2. okie these are my most used chars ~Cheese Spear~ ~SkyHunter~ ~Sinx 4ever~ made a few of them today. testing wat they r like. oh yeh i got a leech now im 255/242 still ned those job lvls! u know base lvls are ok but job lvls are the most annoying thing! LAWL
  3. wats ur chars name? mybe i can pm her/him soon ^^.
  4. k thanx!!! lololol my sinx is 212 already!^^ (its not a lot i know, people still call me newb...)(LAWL) thanx!!
  5. thanks ill try the assasin cross, sounds fun^^. cmon people i need more replys !! thank you St. Michael!!!
  6. hey i got a assasin-cross, people say its good the class, im lvl 175, can i join your guild?XD (iprobably gonna be more when u read this reply) i dunno were to train lol
  7. thanks! u seem to be a very good and generous person, thank yu!! for the link!
  8. well, i like pvp, mvp. im kind and like to help others. Crazy about fast dmg! I believe i can fly!!! ummm, wat else? i like to earn money (seriously who doesnt? xD) im helpful in many ways but i also need help... ugh, im a good friend to you if you are loyal to me... ummm, i like italian food.xD anyway point is i need help choosing a class and also need help lvling up. my friend brought me to this game and he says there are these classes you can choose then a second option, he told me that if i wanted to be a swordboy or swordman, something like tht, when i reach i certain lvl i get to choose between pally(no clue what that means..) or a knight. so yeh. i need help finding out which class im best suited too and who is generous enough to help throu this complex game. type in: 1, for swordman 2, for mage 3, for thief 4, for acolyte or acolite (dunno which one is the real class)(LOL) 5, for merchant 6, for taekwendo guy 7, for ninja 8, for gunguy or gunny (watever) 9, for super novice 10, for me to stay novice 11, for watever class i didnt mention oh yeh and also if you chose swordman for me, tell me which 2nd class i should turn to. for example: a simple post would be: "I choose 1 (swordman) then i think u should turn into a knight." k thanks!!!! people! by the way if i didnt mention it i started this game today xD.
  9. helooo guys im new here. just wanted to say hi. HI~!~ (im also gonna make a topic in general discussion, go there too xD)
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