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Sieg Heart

Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Sieg Heart

  1. wats with error in thor_v01? >.>
  2. somehow i dont get the error anymore, didnt do anything tho ._. yes, im using it :p
  3. uh o.o i dont get that, i tried to play with forsaken-patcher and it actually worked, but anyway my cousin has same problem like i do, i told him to play on patcher and it didnt work for him, it said patch69 is not GPF or RGZ file. try again later
  4. same thing happened to my cousin, but his was patch69
  5. i did, i posted this in support section right? ._. how did u know that it was the disguising ppl that cause ur error?
  6. disguising what? o.o at least u got a chance to go to fcity ._. i couldnt even go there >.>
  7. when i tried to warp to fcity my fro kept on closing >.> whats wrong with that? :( i logged on my ninja and went to for_fild01 and it was alright, more than alright i got killed ._. so anyway whats with errror in fcity?
  8. Sieg Heart

    B> Sgw

    lol thats expensive :S what does it do anyway?
  9. Sieg Heart

    B> Sgw

    whats a sgw? o.o
  10. LOL!
  11. Remembering Sunday-All Time Low :D
  12. hello :D
  13. i love chinese new year :D

  14. leave offers here, or pm me in game Linkar
  15. LOL, btw do u still play?

  16. lol there's null club now? :P are u in it? lol

  17. been busy, and i couldnt download the game, my cousin downloaded it and i copied it to my laptop :D so im playing again now :P although my sinx name was null T_T

  18. anyone i know, pm me in game :P

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