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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by I3eefCak3

  1. yes i have the FBH but i heard that the flower ring was in the accassory and gave +20 stats so i was think that beacuse that the Kobold Sniper Hat takes the place of my amister hat. so it would be like i have amister hat and a the extra +40%. thanks agian for the input
  2. is that 200 tickets or 200 yggs becouse if its 200 yggs you can get MAYBE 1 d coupon
  3. its a mvp its found at kh_dun02
  4. so for the voteing should i save for the flower ring witch is 120 coupons or the sniper hat? sniper hat Flower ring 40% more damage with crossbows and is 1 slot OR +20 all stats and i think is a accessory and is 1 slot Thanks
  5. I3eefCak3


    for fast casting you need 150 dex so like 75+75 and 300 int and vit and str idk probley not right but
  6. bump
  7. yea that was it
  8. I3eefCak3

    Pc>clown Bow

  9. what ever happend to being able to trade zeny between you charaters i remmber this from a couple months ago? can we bring it back
  10. I3eefCak3


    bump buy my stuff
  11. I3eefCak3


    ahh so theres no way to remove the chat mute that sucks
  12. I3eefCak3


    well if i'm mvping and i need to tell some to F*** off i don't want to alt+c or if i'm mvping with a friend it's just too much work to alt+c every time. ex i need to tell my friend to use water or ask them something i can't fit 20 words into a box
  13. I3eefCak3


    can we get rid of the chat mute that comes with this skill? is there anypoint to haveing the chat mute? just an idea :biggrin:
  14. blue butterfly wings flaping angaling wings thanks! :biggrin:
  15. I3eefCak3


    well i see where the 40% could come in handy but would the 15 dex luck and agi a bit more importent i just want some thing that provides the best thing for MvPing. Thanks for the input
  16. I3eefCak3


    so i'm going for a solo mvp sniper and right now i'm useing amister hat but should i use dog archer hat instead so here are the stats. amister hat +15 all stats dog archer hat +40% with crossbows
  17. I3eefCak3


  18. i did that has i allways have the map marked but it was gone just gone
  19. so right now i'm useing amister hat with vanbreck card fallen ghost holy wings sniper suit turtle gen car with 3 abyess on sniper elite bow forsaken cape with 2 chung E elite boots with 2 firelock 2 ND dex belts i'm going for a max damage/crit sniper anyway i can make this better remmber i'm low on money
  20. i know this is just another mvp KSED but this is pissing me off. i'm in fighting a incant and it's down too the last 27 mil then this bitch ass Sinx just killed me and then warped off with my mvp somehow it pissing me off how these people show up in the last 10 mil kill you and take the mvp and possabley the card
  21. I3eefCak3


  22. I3eefCak3


    just get selling some stuff yay Dargoon WarLord Card 7 2 Amon Ra Card 3ea Skoll Card 7 2 Dargoon Wiz Card 10ea post IGN i'm mostly on {[PK]}
  23. ^topic
  24. I3eefCak3


  25. when the 3rd classes are comeing to forsaken-ro?
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