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About cuTe_creator

  • Birthday 04/19/1986

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cuTe_creator's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. ok u guys r stupid -_- gm plz close this thred every1 is rude here jus like in nlro.
  2. a millie lil wayne' ft. cory gunz i`m not the 1 listening to this tho o.o
  3. cuTe_creator

    Baii D;

    lol.... y do u make a topic 4 this???????????? its like me jus sasying lol in 1 topic............
  4. they mean from the other 2 pics u posted that r from photobucket.
  5. i no its same photobuket he gave me use... o_o
  6. hi if u ned help use @request nd gm help u fast!!!!^^
  7. ..............thx?
  8. wat y u delete my post?
  9. i was looking in the forums nd saw u closing pinned topics 4 no reason?????? u no theyr left open for ppl to comment nd b able to ask questions. thers no such thing as reviving an old pinned guide topic or else the gms wouldve closed & pinned them from the start. just telling u that ur doing it wrong by closing them.
  10. i didnt finish but look i thot ppl crit d pic if u could thx ^^ its a man w/ 4 arms.
  11. cuTe_creator


    he has big sig O_O
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