Well the point is, even though this is 6k/6k/6k, EVERYTHING isn't 100% drop, such as Mes, Orleans' Uniform, etc. And I checked Teleport, it only lets me use level 2, but the point isn't that it's not level selectable, the main annoyance of it is that the menu pops up with the one choice, "Random Area" or whatever, which..isn't supposed to happen, only 3 out of the servers I played, as far as I remember, had this.. "Problem". Alot of them fixed it, which was actually making it useful, not having to spam F (?) and then Enter was quite useful.
And another thing, why the hell can you be attacked/attack someone as they just spawn? That's another thing I suggest, give the usual 3~5 second wait time after spawning, that's what usually happens, I don't even know HOW this happened, makes warping around a dungeon to find a safe place damn near impossible. I have a decent computer, I run Condemned, The Orange Box, and Air Rivals at a constant at least 50 FPS, so it isn't for my sake, but what about people with bad computers? They stand there with the loading screen for like 3~5 seconds and spawn and they're dead? Lets be logical now.
And as for Autoloot+Ali. . . . . . . . . ."@ali Mes, @ali Orleans Uniform, @ali Wool Scarf, @ali Tidal Shoes. What the?!?! Why am I not autolooting other stuff..? Why the hell did I pick this up? Who even needs this?" is my point, I know you can just do like..@autoloot 10 and get all the needed stuff, but what about specific items off a monster that drops at 100%? Not that this is going to be a useful example, but say your killing goats and you want blue herbs and white herbs and nothing else, you can only get one at a time? This is a great server, i'm trying to give it more versatility. That's all. Seems..limited, no disrespect intended.