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Everything posted by Tamil

  1. I don't even refer to the search tool, because the last topic about it just went down in flames. I guess it's entirely fair to screw over first classes in the end entirely, they can wear the elemental armors, but those can also screw you over with people who use converters, god forbid if I want to use a neutral armor that has some merit in pvp? And how can you not kill a Ninja? They can do Ciceda what? Once every 10 years?
  2. ...Do you honestly think 3k hydra's is fucking fair to do over and over? xP
  3. The last server I was in had something unique, letting Ninja/TK/Gunslinger/SG/Soul Linker and the like, wear rebirth equips, since they wouldn't have too much of an edge, since they're just extensions, it could be a nice boost, and for Ninja, why the fuck do you have to wait like..3 seconds before you can move or re-cast Ciceda? Why would you nerf a weak class? O_o;;;; But yeah, I can't wear my tidals and Wool on my Ninja, what the hell, why not? Why can't you just make those gears wearable by those classes or just make them count as trans/rebirth? Another server did it, this one has more than enough potential to. Please..folks...balance..
  4. Random and rly dumb question, but are elite armors unbreakable? >.> <.<
  5. I just made another discovery in this server, if you don't have an Incant, don't play a Sniper. xD (Or go crit and don't dare double strafe)
  6. Enjoy wasting that. =P Not as if it's easy enough to get, this is highrate, mostly everyone is lazy, lol. Hardly anyone FCP's themselves, and if they do, they fail at pvp because they don't rely on their own strength. You can't seriously say "I'm good because I FCP myself", can you?
  7. If this gets put in, i'm saying goodbye to RO, after 6 and a years of RO, this happens, why Gravity.....FUCKING WHY!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY IS GRAVITY COMPOSED OF RETARDS!?!?! ;_;
  8. Paladins are easy as hell to beat on a Sniper, make a Drooping Wild Rose...7% chance to strip shield, there goes defender..as for Auto-Guard, when it activates it is annoying yes, but it also stops their movement, if you wear a whikebain, Wild Rose, and Metaling, you will destroy damn near any class, because of your high dex, you'll likely actually strip them before they even reach you, prove me wrong? =P P.S. The good thing about stripping is, once you do that to them, they mainly give up and just let you kill them so they can wear their gear again. Oh the satisfaction <3
  9. I can't tell if the end of they was sarcasm, but yes, delay, delay, delay. Very troublesome =P
  10. Well the point is, even though this is 6k/6k/6k, EVERYTHING isn't 100% drop, such as Mes, Orleans' Uniform, etc. And I checked Teleport, it only lets me use level 2, but the point isn't that it's not level selectable, the main annoyance of it is that the menu pops up with the one choice, "Random Area" or whatever, which..isn't supposed to happen, only 3 out of the servers I played, as far as I remember, had this.. "Problem". Alot of them fixed it, which was actually making it useful, not having to spam F (?) and then Enter was quite useful. And another thing, why the hell can you be attacked/attack someone as they just spawn? That's another thing I suggest, give the usual 3~5 second wait time after spawning, that's what usually happens, I don't even know HOW this happened, makes warping around a dungeon to find a safe place damn near impossible. I have a decent computer, I run Condemned, The Orange Box, and Air Rivals at a constant at least 50 FPS, so it isn't for my sake, but what about people with bad computers? They stand there with the loading screen for like 3~5 seconds and spawn and they're dead? Lets be logical now. And as for Autoloot+Ali. . . . . . . . . ."@ali Mes, @ali Orleans Uniform, @ali Wool Scarf, @ali Tidal Shoes. What the?!?! Why am I not autolooting other stuff..? Why the hell did I pick this up? Who even needs this?" is my point, I know you can just do like..@autoloot 10 and get all the needed stuff, but what about specific items off a monster that drops at 100%? Not that this is going to be a useful example, but say your killing goats and you want blue herbs and white herbs and nothing else, you can only get one at a time? This is a great server, i'm trying to give it more versatility. That's all. Seems..limited, no disrespect intended.
  11. Well, i've been through maybe about 30 private servers, and a few times while here, I was wondering "Why the hell isn't this in? It's not abusable and it can't be abused no matter how you look at it." Well, i'm hoping I won't be judged since I haven't done a shitload of posts and really this is my first suggestion, but here goes. (Hope people read all this, I really don't know when to shutup x.x) 1. @ali branching system: (Crap didn't see this suggested until after I made this thread, i'm sorry! >_<) Enable up to 8 items to be @ali'd (@autolootitem). This would be convenient for the sake of ..well...needing more than one item at a time off of a monster, like seals, what if you want the coats and herbs,<---- (Example since you can buy elemental slotted armor... xD) or stuff in the for_filds, we know the Lucius is pretty much the main source of money, but what if you want some of the usables or whatnot that they drop? Feel free to discuss on this one. 2. @return: This could be set on the backburner as it's not really important, @return simply takes you back to your hometown, but you can easily hotkey the command like if it's geffen, @go2, etc. 3. Teleport lvl Selectable: As the suggestions name implies, let it be level selectable, i'm not sure ..what has it changed exactly, but when you use level one teleport, the menu to choose where to go is not supposed to pop up, it's supposed to teleport you instantly without a choice, as level one only teleports you to a random spot on the map (Relative to how a Fly Wing works.) This would be a tremendous help and save time with spamming the up arrow key and enter to rewarp somewhere on the map, or even having to hotkey the map name and alt+(Number) spamming to make use of it, semi-backburner suggestion, but would be helpful. 4. @autoloot+@ali..? Why?: Why can't these work in conjunction? It could help players get more of the things they want at a better pace, I noticed in this server that items that drop on the ground disappear relatively quick. So in light of this, I was wondering if it could be made so they work together? I thought about it for a really long time, and I can't see any way to potentially abuse this. Feel free to discuss. Wouldn't feel right if it only went up to 4, right? That's all I have atm unfortunately, I just woke up and my juices aren't flowing with idea's from other RO experiences i've had, but feel free to discuss the 4 above, I pray for some positive feedback, I have high hopes for this server. The last one I was in was a mid-rate pretending to be a lowrate...you can imagine the horrors.. ._.;
  12. I fully support this idea, but i'm supporting both, either making it 1-handed so we can use the "Never used" shield, if we can't use the shield and bow, how are we supposed to make the elite combo...WORK? :blink: But yeah, I think if it's not going to be one-handed (Which it looks like since I see Snipers smacking me with their fist from far away with the custom bow (WHICH IS PRETTY LOL XD) it should be one-handed, or give it a composite bow sprite or something and make the bow reduce at least 20% of demi-human damage, that seems balanced since it wouldn't = a Thara/Usakoring. I noticed (Maybe i'm crazy) but i'm pretty sure Snipers got an HP boost, mine has 189k hp... ^^; But yes ..MASSIVE yes to this, I haven't done the quest yet, so i'm just gonna gather my items and wait to see if this update happens, I fully support ya arrow_striker.
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