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About Talynn

  • Birthday 04/02/1990

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    Over there.

Talynn's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. Talynn


    Eh, I try the best I can. Heheh ^^;
  2. Talynn

    My work.

    Haha, glad you like it Damascus :D
  3. Talynn

    My work.

    Well, yeah. I'm an artist. I have some stuff here and there, I haven't drawn much lately, but I am definitely trying to get back into the loop of things. I'll open up with a few of my old sketches. This one here happens to be an old Star Wars sketch I made after reading a few books from the later canon series of books. This was an odd, Digital sketch I made when I was bored during an Open Canvas Sketch Party. (up to 4 people can join a Sketch Party, so it was fun.) One of my various characters in a Graphic Novel I am still toying around with here and there. His name is Ruze, or Ruzanken. Nothing much else to talk about there. Now, for this next image, I'm going to need some sort of form of moderation over it because its a nude work. Instead of actually showing the image, I'll just put a link. Click it at your own risk. :P http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/2936/sm...girlclr1pa3.jpg I'll trust that people read my warning. This character happens to be Cassin, a cybernetic organism. There's not much to say about her at the time being, but I do like the result of my initial design for her. Not much else to say, I'll keep you guys updated with any other images I have to bring you. :D PS: Yes. I am a furry artist. Rofl.
  4. Talynn


    Hello. My name's Talynn. I'm an RO player, I've been playing RO on and off for a couple of years. I'll definitely say I'm not quite experienced at it as some others are, but I try, to say the least. I usually play as an Assassin Cross, I sometimes play as a Lord Knight or Sniper as an alt character. I'm usually playing WoW or an FPS game when I'm not playing RO, and I'm drawing, or writing, or chatting with my friends if I am not on any games. My usual hobbies are drawing, writing, bike-riding, model building, playing games, and the occasional socalization. Oh, yeah, and- Ayre is my sister. :P I hope my stay here will be an enjoyable one and I hope to make friends with many of you here.
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