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About earthworm

earthworm's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. for 50qponz... or leave me an offer, i need many!!!
  2. ill trade u my OH for 3k crystal blue!!! think about it!
  3. earthworm


    im buying some cool headgears beside from the quest ones! leave offers..
  4. i already bought them ... thanks anyway...
  5. marshmallow hat... ice wing... emperium aura... flapping wing... post your offers... thanks!!
  6. *toinks
  7. *toinks
  8. yeah... pm me! also buying flapping wings... leave offers!
  9. err.. someone already bought my 2 GTB's.. ur a bit late... =]
  10. lols..thx for the hydra's, u sell 3k hydras for 20 and u sold it to me for 25.. =(
  11. 250.. :blink: what does it do? :rolleyes: does it give stat or anything? i might buy it.. if it doesnt do a thing..then thx anyway...
  12. Pwy11 im online... trying to pm u <.< im just sitting in fcity!!
  13. earthworm

    B>3k hydra's

    buying 3k hydra's 25qponz pm me: Earthworm the Dude
  14. *toinks
  15. +10 white butterfly wing [65] sold to Buen +10 gold butterfly wing [65] sold to The FaceBook Stalker +10 pink butterfly wing(not the light one!) [65] sold to ~*Yuriko-Hime*~ +0 silver butterfly wing [65] sold to Mushi <3 +0 retribution wing [65] sold to Ultimose +10 light purple butterfly wing [55] sold to Ultimose +0 elite high priest set(without the book) [50] 8 Ifrit Rings [5 per set](ring of resonance, ring of flame lord) 1 set sold to Ultimose Gtb [35] sold to Shite Hayashi, kore Bacsojin [30] sold to Slave of Court Orc hero [20] Skoll [15] Drake [15] Mistress [10] Garm [20] Dracula [20] Ifrit [15] 3k Female thief bug card [20] buying: 3k hydra [25] bought to Jack Skellington amonra [10] bought to Biorythm dragoon warlord [10] bought to Swiss.Cheez dragoon wizard [10] bought to Shaiya emperium aura [500] flapping wings [500] pm me ingame:Earthworm the Dude or leave your ign
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