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Crack Baby

Forsaken Elder
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About Crack Baby

  • Birthday 03/02/1985

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    San Diego- U.S.A

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  1. So where do we start the quest?

  2. ...
  3. Name of event: Break The Lock Event NPC #: none needed How event works: This requires at least two GM's, one of them needs to have the power to silence and jail players (to punish cheaters who blurt out the answer before it's been solved) One GM makes a locked 1/2 chat room. This can be in any town, doesn't matter. Clues are given by the other GM to something related to RO. Whether it's a card description, equip effects, etc. The answer to the clue will unlock the chatroom, and the first player to enter the room by inputting the correct answer wins. While the Chatroom GM monitors the chat room, it's the other GM's job to monitor the players. If answers are blurted out before the lock is cracked, that player is jailed and muted for 2 hours. The player must remain logged in to jail for the time to expire. For each event there can be between 5-10 questions. Reward: 1 event coupon for each correct answer, to be awarded before the next clue is given for the next word that will break the lock. How often (and at what times) would it be hosted?: It has to be hosted to be fair. I would like to see it hosted aduring serve peak population hours. I don't know what those hours are because I've only just come back to fRO. Is it a regular or special event?: Regular
  4. I get that as well. But I see GM's in FCity a bit, sitting in the lower left of the screen. Also, on other servers I've played, they did something to the code that made it impossible to set up those chatrooms in those specific places. I don't know if that can be done here. I know people like to go afk etc. And sell their stuff, etc. But I don't see the problem of doing it in a location that won't inconvenience new players. I mean lets be real, fRO isn't known for it's helpful community of oldbies. I can see how it would be frustrating and overwhelming for a new user to join the server just to warp to FCity and see tons of chat windows blocking their view of one of the most crucial parts of the main city.
  5. They should tweak it to not be 100%, seriously. Maybe bump it down to 40%.
  6. I propose that people not be allowed to create chat rooms in the walkway of fcity, and not within a certain area around npc's. They should set up at the top of the stairs, like the old vendor players used to set up.
  7. Name of event: Monster Catcher Event NPC #: Does it matter? I don't have preference. How event works: A massive amount of monsters are summoned with relatively low HP so they can be one hit killed. People warp into the room through the npc, monsters are summoned, and they are instructed to kill a particular monster with a unique name, such as [.Poporing.]. Out of all the monsters summoned, only 1 will have the correct name. Users are instructed to kill that particular monster. If they kill any other monster, they are instantly killed with no way to return to the event. Person who kills the right monster first wins. Reward: I think this could be an automated event, and the reward could be relatively low since it's easy, like 1-5 event coins, ygg or edp tickets. How often (and at what times) would it be hosted?: It could be automated and held once every couple of hours. Is it a regular or special event?: I think it could be regular.
  8. I don't see how your explanation has anything to do with my initial inquiry. What does boasting have to do with it?
  9. If this helps: I had problems downloading with Google Chrome. The first couple of times I received an error, but I switched browsers and it installed cleanly.
  10. I like this idea, but I would rather it revolve around parties instead of Guilds.
  11. I honestly think it will go straight to DVD. I haven't heard or seen anything regarding this movie until I saw your post.
  12. Could you just make a WoE for non-donators? The same way you have the PvP room set up? I find that's one of the reasons WoE always is so unbalanced on any server. Unless you're completely pro and have donation gear, you're screwed.
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