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Forsaken Elite
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About Yuikami

  • Birthday 08/08/1992

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ohio, USA
  • Interests
    Music, Literature, Friends x=

Yuikami's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Electric Light Orchestra, kuku. I lol'd too.
  2. Holy crap why didn't I remember those game ;; I loved Chaos Theory because in Co-op I would always get my friend killed by turning on a light when he was sneaking into a room dd. And MY GOD BRUTE FORCE. How did I forget that?! That was soo epic ;; I loved the one girl that could cloak xD [/forgotname] Ahh I miss those days of bad graphics QQ And actually, for it's time, Brute Force didn't have THAT bad of graphics. It's not like Splinter Cell Double Agent's graphics, but it's not as bad as Mario Brothers [LUL STILL LOVE IT] But my brother sold both Chaos Theory and Brute Force... I want my old games back QQ..
  3. Yuikami


    Welcome to the server! Yes, people are allowed to party from 1 - 255 to help themselves level, it's called leeching xD. What class are you planning on playing? Oh yeah, about the monsters thing... http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=6394
  4. -comments self because I'm lonely- QQ...

  5. Yuikami

    S> Detale card

    Leave offers here, looking for coupons. Best offer three days from now will be the one I make my deal with, or if none of the offers are in the range I was interested in I will post "Bump" in three days. [8/6/08]
  6. It's pretty simple imho. All you do it list a band/artist in alphabetical order via post number. Example: Post one: Aerosmith Post two: Beetles Post three: Creed [dunno my friend gave me that one ;;] You get the idea xD I'll start AFI /ok
  7. I love VK too ;D A new chapter just came out recently [manga] I don't watch the series though qq Manga > Anime
  8. Granted, but then I steal it and smack you with it. I wish I had some allergy medicine qq
  9. Yuikami


    Hi! Welcome to Forsaken, I'm a "noob" too xD Joined a week or so ago. But it's pretty easy to get the hang of this server. I will admit there's a few mean people here, but there's plenty more kind people! My mains are Yuikami and Yuikami v1. PM me in-game if you need anything or have any questions [; Most of the time you'll find me complaining in fcity about absolutly nothing ;;
  10. Yuikami

    hii (:

    Welcome to the server! I'm relativly new myself, but it's pretty easy to get the hang of things. My mains are Yuikami and Yuikami v1. See you in-game! PM me if you need anything.
  11. See, in reality, this update WOULD be very good, if they had put it in seven years ago in Beta Testing. Now everyone is used to how RO works. I agree with Indalecio
  12. The Story So Far - New Found Glory But it was the end of that song as I posted it, now it's Forget My Name - New Found Glory This one reminds me of my friend Cathie Q.Q
  13. Happy Birthday 0:

  14. Yuikami

    This or that

    Suicide. iPod or Zune?
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