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Everything posted by Euthalia

  1. Hey there, sorry for the delay in answer. I use an... Acer Aspire ES1 523??? I'm sorry I don't really know how much I gotta say when giving the reference of the model I use. Also ! I have an offline version of RO installed on my laptop and everything works, I can click on stuff and all of that (except one of the accounts but that's not related to this problem.) soooo... That's something.
  2. (Is it... Is it a normal thing to do here, to quote the post you answer even when no one else said anything???) And hum, yeah, I don't since I... Don't own one...??? I do use the laptop's touchpad or whatever it is called. (sue me, I just don't like using a mouse...) Maybe I should try using my graphic tablet as a mouse..? EDIT: Tablet doesn't change anything. Oh, well.
  3. Hey there ! I recently (read: yesterday) installed Forsaken RO, and after some troubles with window size that I thankfully managed to fix, I realized that I had a bigger problem... I can't click on anything. Be it character creation, login, or anything that is on the... What's it called again. HUD? Well, I can't click on the "item" button, or anything else. Also, full screen mode doesn't work (it just closes the game without saying anything) so I can't tell if it'd fix the problem. But that might be because I have windows 10? I don't know.
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