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  1. Scott

    Help with Mac!

    Hello, I just got a Mac and I am trying to install FRO. I have tried it on VM Fusion, Oracle, AND Parallels and all I get is errors saying it will not work on a VM... what do I need to do to make this work :[! Many thanks!
  2. Scott

    Issue with Quest

    Hello, I ended up going to @go 11 and I was told to go back to the first NPC and talk to them all over again.... IT WORKED! Even though the first NPC talked to me originally, it appeared that it did not click in the system?? Either way now I am at the hell raid step... probably going to need to look for a larger party or a guild to join xDD Thank you all for the help!!
  3. Scott

    Issue with Quest

    Hello, The Fate of the Gods II: Quest Beginning seems to have some issues (pasting link at bottom of post). So far, the only character that has actually talked to me is the Mysterious Griever and Stranger in step 11. I am assuming the quest is working because I am stuck at step 13 and none of my other characters can get past step 11 (I checked to make sure that the only reason my character could get past step 11 was due to successfully completing the first 10 steps). Anyway, now I am on step 13 and I have the Breath of Spirit, the 666 Cursed Seals and 50M zeny. I am in a party and we have all the items for the party. I tried having all the equipment on the party leader and it does not work, and then I tried having each party member have the required items and it still does not work. The character gives me no dialogue when I click on her. Is there something I am missing? Is this not the correct article to follow for this quest? Many thanks, Scott
  4. Hello, Thank you to everyone that replied to this post! I definitely have a better understanding of what to do with them now! Many thanks, Scott
  5. Hello, Before I ask my question I wanted to say that I am new to the server and so far it has been great! There may already be a post about this, and if so, I apologize, but, I purchased some tokens during the double token event and now I am not sure what to do with them... Can anyone help me out? Many thanks in advance, Scott
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