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About Adree

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Novice (1/10)



  1. I'll be placing this private server on hold. Thanks everyone.
  2. Here are lists of trials I've been going through: Downloaded the All-In-One under "Primary Downloads". Didn't work. First thing I did was making sure the .zip files I've downloaded was "unblock" by right-clicked under properties and "unblock". Using Avira Anti Virus, usually there's gonna be a warning sign/notification that will pop-up saying this and that the files I've downloaded contains malware and what not but, it didn't. So, I still go to the manage Antivirus and add an the .zip files name under the exception lists. Everything went smooth, where I place the installation file and where I place the .zip file is under D:\ drive. Where I've installed first was on D:\ drive too. After installing I tried out the "Launch after Installation" method and Launcher works fine and it was updating since "Halloween Patch" and so, I tried Launching the .exe through Launcher but, it gave me the "Ragnarok has been Crash" error. I exited the notes, check task manager seeing if there are any unwanted programs running and obviously, nothing was going against the .exe for flkenro. I did a follow up, left-clicked setup.exe and under display or what graphic card, change it from "direct 3DHAL" to my "Nvidia GeForce 1050Ti" and "Full Screen Mode" making sure my display was not more or less than my 1920 x 1080 display settings. I place it to 1440 x 900 x 16. Sound to 2D sound since my speakers are old and I don't think 3D sound makes any differences since any other ragnarok out there uses the same sound track, a 2 speaker mode, 22K Frequency, 16 Bit sound, 32 sound channel, uncheck(❌) voodoo3 users, check(✅) lightmap and enable(✅) fog, sprite detail High and Texture Detail High. Not to mention I've tried changing each compatibility mode from windows XP service pack 2 to windows service pack 3 and visa-versa and enabled Run this program as administrator for the whole setup.exe, fkenro.exe and ForsakenRO Patcher.exe. Also tried following the Troubleshooter instructions and cross my fingers and hoping that the instructions works on manual patching and small installer and definitely all-in-on installer. Look guys, from my point of view its a bust. Blackout RO didn't give as much trouble when it comes to patching pre-renewal or renewal or trans-jobs in game and I don't see any differences in this one. I've tried Rebirth RO, and Talon RO. Never this bad. I'm here because I wanted to try a different private server that's all. ⌛
  3. Been there done that. Not to mention following the troubleshooter instructions. Thanks for the info btw.?
  4. Here's one of the examples for today on the setup. Showing the rest of files sorting works. So I placed my graphic card under NVIDIA GeForce 1050Ti, on full screen mode and using 2D sound since I'm using a very old speakers here. Sound frequency by default and sound bits but trying with 32 Channel. I still don't know what's the problem. If this was a normal occurrence, there's should be a fixed by now. I don't know how others manage to play without having problems like this. Even if they do have a fix on it, shouldn't there be an update already on the Admin side? I've seen 4 people having the same problem, having to go through ups and downs. I just want an update fix on it. F.y.i Running on the latests updates for Windows 10.
  5. I didnt know that accessing computers was the only way. I'm sorry, but there has to be another way beside going into my computer. Thank you sir jorgeluisf350#6842.
  6. I've sent you a friend requests on discord. Hope to hear from you soon since I have no mic.
  7. Followed the Instructions beforehand. Downloaded the "All in One" file (recommended), before extracting .zip files, right-clicked and "unblock", left click and allow to run as Administrator. Followed up with right click .exe file and run with Administrator, choose a location for folder, didn't let .exe open Launcher. Instead, going to source which is D:\ instead of C:\ and right click on Launcher and set to allow as Administrator same goes for the "fkenro.exe". Launcher opens up and updating Halloween Update and everything and click start and Crash happens. So, help me please. For your information, I did add the .exe files and the .exe installations files excluded from my anti virus list. I'd play a different private server too so what's the deal with this one? Thank you in advance. -Adree
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