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Forsaken Council
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About Utada

  • Birthday 02/04/1992

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Utada's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Hppy Bday, dood!

  2. ayu...pm...NAO!!!

  3. AYU, PM ME ASAP!!!

  4. 20 qpons max <-------- (very well payin indeed ^^) lowest offer wins
  5. Utada

    S> FCPS!

    well it depends on how much u have...if u have all that i need...imma pay a little more...but if i have to waste more time finding another seller....its gonna be a little less ign: { Mikki } PM me
  6. Utada

    S> FCPS!

  7. Utada

    S> FCPS!

    jedsy, i sent u a msg...read it...thx =)
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AYU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Utada


    ill pay in dqpons...i need 14 enriched ori, 6 elu's and 20 greens...paying really well
  10. Utada

    T> ores.

    hey....ill pay in qpons for 20 green, 6 enriched elu's and 14 enriched ori's...that's if ur selling...i know u need more of those...but thats y ill pay really well
  11. Utada

    S> FCPS!

    sold...still looking for the ores anybody wanting to place orders here may do so (* all orders for fcp's will be sold at a lower price, cuz i dont hafta friggin look for ppl to buy XD)
  12. Utada

    S> FCPS!

    yea...just leave offers, i got 500 fcps also need 14 ori's and 6 elu's, will pay extremely well
  13. Utada

    Rinn's Shop

    msg me by mail...i got fcps
  14. I miss you Ayu =(

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