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About jjpark1904

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Novice (1/10)



  1. Some information regarding mining: -You can go over 90% capacity and still mine because mining is a text interaction. -You'll need 46 slots open slots to get all the possible drops from mining (45 if you exclude the old pick). -Mining is RNG. It's recommended to have ~1000-1200 old picks, the hardest ones to get from the RNG are mithril ore and golden ore; however, they go hand in hand with each other. The order of finding them will always be 1 gold ore > 1 silver ore > 1 mithril ore. The arrangement of finding them are always in this order. -Silver Ores can be independent from the sequence, they can be found without finding gold or mithril ores. Advice: -DO NOT waste time farming ONLY the old picks, pitmen drop irons, coal, lanterns, steel and used iron plates. Stack this quest with another quest for example Legendary Gauntlet, Legendary Weapon, and Silver Dungeon Quest. Hint: They all use irons. -You can use a creamy card to teleport around the map, however you cannot use the @warp command. -Go get a drink you'll be sitting at your screen spamming your enter button.
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