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rayskie ventrix

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About rayskie ventrix

  • Birthday 04/27/1998

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    Squad Goal

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. why is it not allowed sir? i think its the same both are macro's :)
  2. but still macro should not be allowed .. coz i think people with macro can gain advantage for fast spamming during PvP esp. @ Pvp room
  3. Im not complaining . I just wanna discuss and learn .. thats why i posted it here . and i dnt want to accuse someone :) IGN: JC
  4. PLEASE DONT CLOSE I WANNA READ SOME COMMENTS >>> ... well gm said that players wont gain advantage in pvp .. then why i hear rumors that theres a guild/guy using macro's for auto seed while he is in PvP room or in WoE ?? Leave plz leave yr IGN when u reply tnx :)
  5. Hi all, Im gab and im looking to start a new guild here in FRO. The goal is to get the guild starter pack. This will benefit new player to achieve better equips especially for non-donating player We will help each other grows and make friends as well Once our guild is approved we will be getting this guild packs Each member will receive: Rental Forsaken King Armor [0] Enchant an Armor with the Ghost Property. HP Recovery – 25% Vit + 10 Max HP + 10% Maximum HP + 30% DEF – 50, MDEF – 50 [Stalker, Sniper] Maximum HP + 50% DEF – 50, MDEF – 50 [Mage Class] Maximum HP + 60% DEF – 50, MDEF – 50 Rental Forsaken King Shield [0] Reduce damage from Demihuman enemies by 55% Rental Forsaken King Cloak [0] Nullify the Gemstone requirement of certain spells, Max SP + 15% Decrease Vit defense by 80% Max HP + 12% [+ Forsaken King’s Armor, Valkyrie Helm, Forsaken King’s Boots] Immunity to Freeze All Stats + 10 Max HP + 5% Rental Forsaken King Cloak [0] (Alternate) Nullify the Gemstone requirement of certain spells, Max SP + 15% Decrease Vit defense by 40% Max HP + 6% Increase resistance to Neutral Property attacks by 20%. [+ Forsaken King’s Armor, Valkyrie Helm, Forsaken King’s Boots] Immunity to Freeze All Stats + 10 Max HP + 5% Rental Forsaken King Boots [0] Agi + 10 Critical Rate + 15 MATK + 20%, Maximum SP – 100% Increases damage inflicted on Demihuman and Angel monster by 100%. [+ Forsaken King’s Cloak, Valkyrie Helm, Forsaken King’s Armor] Immunity to Freeze All Stats + 10 Max HP + 5% Rental Belt [0] [Assassin Cross, Lord Knight, Whitesmith] Str +40 [Stalker, Sniper, Gypsy, Bard, Gunslinger] Dex +40 [Professor, High Wizard, Soul Gladiator, Taekwon, Soul Linker, Creator, Ninja] Int +40 [Paladin] Vit +40 Rental Cat Ear Hat [0] Str + 10 Luk + 10 ASPD + 10 All Stats + 5 Reduces all skill’s after-cast delay by 60% (Assassin Cross by 40%). [+ Forsaken King’s Cloak, Forsaken King’s Armor, Forsaken King’s Boots] Immunity to Freeze All Stats + 10 Max HP + 5% 1 Forsaken Seed Dungeon Pass OLD and NEW player are most welcome All nationalities are most welcome Please reply with your IGN name our base is in Go 14 ..
  6. owh yeah i undrstand that using macro's while farming is not allowed but why i heard a lof of hummors about a guild that using macro's during woe/GvG/Br.. coz its unfair if u banned only farmers u should banned the guilds too :) .. anyways im not accusing someone ..
  7. is this allowed in this server ? warping and casting and warping and casting and warping and casting as fast as you can ? i just wanna ask coz ive heard that someone got banned bcoz of doing that ??? thx for the answer peepz ..
  8. rayskie ventrix


    BUYING SINX BLESSED RING / JACKET O Sinx Critical post offers or pm me in game/ IGN: *~JC~*
  9. yah i knw there's reflect and reducs but with the ring .. no one will use melee killers so theyre useless xD.. need to improve or just use it for a quest ..
  10. sir.. i saw a lot of players has the Royal Angel Wings and Sacred Wings.. but its useless now coz we got the ring.. i wanna suggest to improve it or make it an item for a quest so it wont go to waste.. hehe ... .. thank you :)
  11. did it already sir . still nothing happens
  12. why i cant open my Fro ?? i always got this error it said "invalid file detecter:cps.dll" ?? can anyone help me asap ?? thanks
  13. hey gm .. why whem we log out . we need to ride the air plane again for 1 hour .. it suck :(
  14. Buying Original Crit offer IGN: Sinx : ~Kristine~ , Baby: Baby Kristine
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