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Everything posted by hector

  1. WELCOME TO FRO SERVER ! i would suggest you try to play and observed first for at least a week before you decide what to buy gears. Talk to the old players . Then choose what main character you want. Play with it first, then if you like it. you can buy now your gears. Goodluck !
  2. yea , this Token Sale is really a great deal . ! So grab it while it last ! We need more tokens circulation in the server.
  3. thanks for the quick reply GM Genesis
  4. GM, wha is the new schedule of BG ?
  5. this is good for all, especially for the newbies and the poor members ! yehey !
  6. + 1 to this GM Team ! Great updates !
  7. Great update GM Team ! but unfortunately , - 1 for the GS , sad.
  8. i got dc'ed and cant log in, please help. i updated the new patch already
  9. Hey guys ! It is Fall Back already here in states. Is the WOE time will be adjusted also in other countries?
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