Okay long list.
- Heroes
- Ultimate Survival
- Scrubs FTW
- South Park
- Family Guy
- The Simpsons
- Surface
- Jericho
- Prison Break
- Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Oldie xD)
Hmm perhaps I will add more later xD
Okay so I'm kinda in a dilemma.
I don't know which anime to watch.
The ones I enjoyed watching are:
- Death Note
- DN Angel
- Wolf's Rain
- Monster Hunt
- Night Head Genesis
- Naruto
So yeah, long awaited game, I got it myself the day it came out.
I Love it! It's awesome, after years of playing melee, this game beated it lots of new extra's.
Anyway, wondering what do you guys think and who has it?
..., wow, you guys really are random and strange.
I LOVE YOU. *cough* Ahum now that's put aside.
darrendota, don't stress about, plenty of gals on the net or at your hometown.
So hiya all,
The name is Riku.
No I did not take it from Kingdom Hearts... It's my real name I have a finnish background.
I live in the Netherlands.
I've been playing about a week on the server and I thought: Ah let's join the forum.
I've been gaming since I was 9.
16 years old now, birthday is on Valentines Day.
I have been into GFX and Designing with photoshop for about 2-3 years now,
I got some skill I guess.
That's about it, any questions I will happily answer ^_^