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Forsaken Elite
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  1. #MEG's post in game crash was marked as the answer   
    Almost all of us are experiencing this. I hope GM's will figure out the problem. Cause my client is updated and it's impossible to have a problem regarding in my downloaded files. This occured after the update, so maybe there is something missing on the files they provided.
  2. #MEG's post in roubo was marked as the answer   
    Sad and 10 years is impossible to recover i think. :(
  3. #MEG's post in Game Crash was marked as the answer   
    Hi there. If your character is stuck in a map where you get errors you can do this.
    Go to --> https://forsaken-ro.net/cp/
    Log-in your account containing the characters that are stuck.
    Look for the Account section , then click My Account
    Under VIEWING ACCOUNT  you can see the list of your Characters on ForsakenRO
    Now click the character of yours that is stuck and click RESET POSITION then LOG-IN again in-game.
  4. #MEG's post in guild remove position title help.. was marked as the answer   
    You cant do that.
  5. #MEG's post in Unable to open was marked as the answer   
    I think you need to re-download the new updated version of all-in-one again if you are still getting problems after updating with the patcher itself. Just a suggestion since no GM is answering yet.
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