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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Look who has another opinion =]. I agree with this, i know people who use those two bands as a excuse just because of guitar hero and yes it makes me mad as well. Everyone has a different taste. Your not stepping out of line when you post a comment on a forum, its simple your opinion on the subject, like i am doing now. 1. I agree with the first comment on disturbed. 2. Metal definition is fine as is, what you said Medical aid? Brain damage? Metal is more then these things its only what people who don't understand and listen to this music don't understand how good it is. 3. I disagree with the state of you saying another music has no emotion. Yes metal has lots in it (all you need to do is read the lyrics) but other artist still bring emotion in when they create/sing a song.
  2. o.o, I would love to have a match of H3 xD. Take care.
  3. For once i agree with everything you say. Guess I'm going to put an end to this it was fun =].
  4. Listen i am sorry that YOU started this argument. I don't know what I'm talking about? Shit I'm sorry please let me make it up to you for hurting your feelings on a forum :(. Arrogant, egotistical newcomers? Did you have to use a thesauruses for these words? You amazed me i thought you where just a little kid =). So far on this forum I have started no arguments i made a comment on what some people said and little fucking shits like you think you run the place and have to, well do what your doing right know =D. I'm not going to sit here and let myself get made look like a fool by people like you. On that note your probably going to go google another fancy word come back post it so it makes sence and all i will have to do is comment myself =], making my life much easier. I didn't know this forum was so fun =).
  5. You are correct everyone taste in music is different. If one person has a opinion about the music you listen to and you don't like it don't mean you have to go and bitch about it. Insecure Ex: "I hate your taste in music" a complete stranger says, the other person takes it seriously and does A. Change there music. B. Bitch about it. That clear it up =] Sorry i didn't mean to put my self on the spot just people bitching at my opinion.
  6. Oh sorry if i made another boo boo :(. I will give you a lil bit more to go cry about it and then come back and make another ridicules post about me not being able to read :).
  7. It was never my intent to make Terminus look bad i always knew you where the "Pretentious D-bag" ;) witch from the post above you have proved. The insecure ones are the ones who take what people say to seriously, What you explained where more of a "Bully" then an insecure person. I was not defending nor attacking anyone simple posting my opinion. Being rude?
  8. >.>, I'm not a total metal head, sum and blink are classic xD. AHAHAHHAHA Agreed. I agree with everything above. If you guys are so insecure about someone posting an opinion about what music YOU posted, then why post. You know your going to get feed back about your music positive or negative, if you don't like it stop posting simple. Fixed your post =)
  9. Thunderowl

    Herro :3

    Herrow =D, I'm new to welcome its fun xD.
  10. Thunderowl

    job lvl/exp

    I level my sniper at for_fild06 to base job 255, got a mob+ sharpshoot. Once i was max (Or close to it) i went to lhz_dun03, to max my job.
  11. Lol thanks xD.
  12. Night began Me and a friend being retarded. [Me on the left] Waiting for some people [Me on the right] Old pic. And me playing hockey xD
  13. Thunderowl


    I'd say /swt. Got 1000 apples ahah ;).
  14. Thunderowl


    I'm max xD 255/255. Its the forsaken elite quest thats a pain know ^^.
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