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About marqueemark

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    mark flores

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Novice (1/10)



  1. thanks for the reply sir now i got an idea
  2. So it means that its better to have a 280base str+bonus than exact 300(which is the max stats)plus bonus?
  3. So it means that even int can affect that thing also?i mean all of the stats?(even luck)
  4. Im sorry to ask this question and i really admit im not good at math but can someone explain to me what is this kind of stats divisible by 10 thingy?are all stats affected by this thing?
  5. Btw may i ask how can i extend my skill slot and how to use my skill on my 2nd slot?i turn on my BM but i can only use skill on my bm1 i want to make prof but i cant switch my skills fast because i cant etxtend my skill slot and about the bgm all i can hear was the @go25 bgm no more bgm to other maps thanks
  6. Im newbie here in this game my question is 1.what is the max stats and level here? 2.what map am i going to go to farm? 3.is this server balance even im no donator? thanks for the answer in advance
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