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About heaven.

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heaven.'s Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. So yeah, after some time off RO, I recently decided to play RO again, so I installed Forsaken RO and when I log onto my characters, I lost all my equips including cards in them. Did something happened? Also, some of my characters' names become "null". Does anyone know how to make things back to normal?
  2. Woah... Such reaction~ XD
  3. u ish teh maddd hutterrr <3

  4. I think u're pretty cool~
  5. BUMP~~ Stalker elite equips in stock once again~~
  6. heaven.

    B> F.Cloak~~

  7. heaven.

    B> F.Cloak~~

    BUYING - F.Cloak L/O or PM me ObakeReborn
  8. bought it~~XD
  9. heaven.

    S> LK card

    lol sup sieg~~ did i get ur hopes up?? XD BTW ANGEL'S MINE NOW!!!! XD SHE'S IN MY CLOSET!! TAKE THAT~~ XD nah i'm just jking~~ ^^
  10. More coming soon~~
  11. y is the stalker box less than the stalker bow? O_o shouldn't the box worth more since it includes both bow and dagger?
  12. Buying Forsaken King Armor~~ L/O and ign so I can find u~~ or PM ObakeReborn if on
  13. Edited~~ BUMP~~
  14. i got stalker bow for sell O_O pm ObakeReborn
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