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Forsaken Council
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  1. Artemis's post in GM plz unbanned my account... was marked as the answer   
    For this case, please file a ticket
    Ticket System -> https://forsaken-ro.net/forum/support/
    I'll close this.
  2. Artemis's post in Cant use fullscreen was marked as the answer   
    Try running your Setup as administrator,
    Here are guide can help you:
  3. Artemis's post in Stuck in Loading screen was marked as the answer   
    Try running up your setup.exe as Administrator.
    And you can also review this guide:
  4. Artemis's post in why banned even it is my first time? was marked as the answer   
    For these types of cases please make a ticket and we can help you
    Ticket System -> https://forsaken-ro.net/forum/support/
  5. Artemis's post in Hunting mission was marked as the answer   
    Exactly as you say, There is no mob called vadons.
    But you can hunt Vadon (ID 1066) in iz_dun00 and iz_dun01
    Also you can check in Ratemyserver.net
    Example -> http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?mob_name=vadon&page=mob_db&f=1&mob_search=Search
    or you can use the command @whereis (Name of the monster or ID)
  6. Artemis's post in getting crashed in certain maps was marked as the answer   
    Maybe you missing some files,
    if you downloaded the All-in-One package or just the small client. If it's the second option, please reconsider and download the All-in-One client and install it in a new fresh folder (with no other RO servers in there) and remember to patch.
    Try downloading our all-in-one -> https://forsaken-ro.net/download/
  7. Artemis's post in Hello there was marked as the answer   
    For this cases make a ticket
    Ticket -> https://forsaken-ro.net/forum/support/
  8. Artemis's post in New Runes was marked as the answer   
    Wizard, Professor and Bio (Creator) runes compounds in accessory
    Sniper runes compounds in weapon
    Sinx runes compounds in boots
  9. Artemis's post in Problem with a map? was marked as the answer   
    You can reset you position in the control panel,
    Control Panel -> https://forsaken-ro.net/cp/
    Panel> My account > Click your character name > Reset position
  10. Artemis's post in Expansion HG + Vote King set stackable? was marked as the answer   
    Expansion Hats only stack with normal Forsaken King Set.
  11. Artemis's post in Complete newbie to this server was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to the server !
    Here a mini guide to leveling !
    Job level 25-50 (1st job): Skeletons, Zombies, Poporings, Familiars at pay_dun00
    Job level 1-50 (2nd job): Skeleton Soldiers, Skeleton Archers & Eggyras at pay_dun01
    Job level 50-Level 99/70: Increased Soil, Mantis, Bigfoots, and Caramels at lou_fild01
    *Rebirth once you’re level 99/70. Repeat these steps until you reach Level 99 again.*
    Base level 99-150: Fox, Lolitails, etc. at for_fild05
    Base level 150-255: Uber drops, Uber Porings, and Uber Poporings at for_fild06
    Quest Guide (Equip)
    Click ~> (Knight Quest) And more guides ! Click ~> (Here)
  12. Artemis's post in Screen/Character/Resolution Problem pls help. was marked as the answer   
    Open your setup and check the Sprite Detail 

    It has to be like the picture
    If you still have problems, let me know n.n
  13. Artemis's post in Failed to load map was marked as the answer   
    You can change the position of your character in the control panel
    Here is the control panel -> https://forsaken-ro.net/cp/
    Login> My account> Select your char> Reset Position
  14. Artemis's post in Game window.. glitch? was marked as the answer   
    Fix screen in windows 10  ( Click > Technical Support)
    Fix screen in windows 7, 8 or 8.1 (Click > Technical Support)
  15. Artemis's post in HaCKED ACCNT was marked as the answer   
    For this case please file a ticker.
    Here > Click (Me)
    I'll close this
  16. Artemis's post in Memory Integrity Test Failed Code: 0 was marked as the answer   
    Try with this:
  17. Artemis's post in Got scammed was marked as the answer   
    Please file a ticket for this cases.
    Here -> (Ticket)
    Close this topic.
  18. Artemis's post in [Newbie] Installation Problem was marked as the answer   
    Try with this:
    for Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 -> Click (Here)
    Windows 10 -> Click (Here)
  19. Artemis's post in fRO screen resolution 0 was marked as the answer   
    Fix screen in windows 10  ( Click > Technical Support)
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