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Everything posted by Fanen

  1. Fanen


    New Leader: Wake aka Megan Inactive guild atm. AUGUST 11.
  2. Fanen


    Kyra's signature is made of win :).
  3. Fanen


    Please don't bring your gey boy games here too. I meant Drama. If you want to talk shtz, PM me, but don't think I would even reply. Low blow shortcomings don't do a dent on me especially on the internets. <- Rofl.
  4. Fanen


    My old guild, on another server. I stole this image from Crystal. xD Guild Name: Epic Leader: Me Ta gangsta preparations for someones wedding. Oh, this image I stole from Chardo. Ok. Thats it. TEH STURY One day, our guild leader, Blood, decided it was for his own good to leave RO for a month and get back to this life. Before he go on his leave, three guildmates were to be left in charge, Cecil, Fang, and Me. Under the title of Vice General with both kick and invite. As time passed by, Cecil was kicked from the guild by blood, which I have no idea why. This lead to three or four people leaving as well, because of this, cecil thought the guild was going to die. Cecil if you are reading this. I AM STILL LAUGHING AT YOUR PICTURE, NO WONDER YOU TRY PRETENDING TO BE A WOMEN INSTEAD. Then fang kicked me from the guild, for whatever reason it was. FIN. ROFL'D GL HF GG - DUKE RINTON J. FANEN. (Lol'd at the name)
  5. Fanen


    Teh Clueless Misunderstanding. The Christmas Dinner And The Crash Emi's special good bye moment. Lady L featuring in, The Lady Blues. (She was a bit angry) The Waffle Tribe CHEESE.
  6. Fanen


    Alright, my last picture update, due to the fact that I am offically kicked out of the guild for good. Oh well. (WARNING: HEAVY IMAGES) Blood giving out a message. Emi, Megan, and Kyra hitting on the NPC - Peterson. Duke watching. The fantastic fivesome. Emi, Fleyn, Megan, Kyra, Duke Teh Heart of a Dragon. (ROFL, so corny) Somethings gone wrong. Ta dead pile. My trip to safari, under the command of captain kyra. Gambling dice for money. I won the last round with a haul of 3mill xD. The wedding plan that never happen. Two Dragons, Emi and Megan's. Commercials, you know you like them.
  7. Rofl, Luna. xD You can't use paypal their? o.o
  8. Fanen


    Well, judging by how well you wrote your post, I gotta say. I'll tell ya more about this guild. @_@ Usually, we do our own thing, sometimes we joke around, plan events, and mostly do random stuff. Mvpin and hunting for quests for fun. If we get strong enough, we go pvpin and such, but only one of us or so actually donated so things are quite slow for us. We aren't hardcore players, but players who wanna have our own drama, and screw around in this pixel world we call RO. Thats about it, if your considering in playing in a guild with really well funded players and/or veterans, thats not us, most of us are still noobs. But if ya wanna grow with us, thats cool, then ill welcome you to the guild. PM. DukeFan, if your still interest. Btw, our Guild Leader Blood is gone for one month, hopefully he would come back and give out ranks again. Most likely we'll get him back. MUAHADUAGDUIAGFUIWGFuiwgr793t4986198rYH23UI1OROQHFUIOQ Hey pwyll, where are ya lately xD? GL HF GG - DUKE
  9. Rofl, this is pure flame bait or ego boost. To clearify, the purpose of this thread was fulfill a long time ago. This is stupid how people pull four-pages filled with what i called "rant". I didn't read it anyways, except Jewel's original post and wall of text she posted. As I said before, the line is drew between saying it public and private(aka a small group or within a guild). If broadcast, report it. And even if you have chat filter, what can that do? More work for the GMs and more ways for people to get around it. Not to mention how annoying it is. QQ more plz. And it seems like theres a war going on between Dama and Jewel AND YES, THE MODS. The mods are seemingly siding and deleting posts. This is chao, deleting posts rather than closing the thread was pure genious. +1 ego boost for me. Oh wait, nvm, this has been changed from not saying it to seein it. Read the text above and press the restart button. xD lol. WALL OF TEXT ftw.
  10. Rofl, my post is deleted. Can I know why? I thought I hit on the Q, no spam, no offense, etc.
  11. Fanen


    This isn't my guild.... its blood's. Fuck, we can still be friends right? no homo :ph34r:
  12. Fanen


    Ok, PICTURE UPDATE. Woot? /yawn I drew a square heart. We MVPED OSIRIS IN 2MINS, with everyone. Most of us. Anyone ever mvped osiris with 6-9 people, here on fRO? /owned Teh edventures of teh pirate king and the fellow pirates. I ran out of pirate hats, none left for me /wah Our Old HQ and Our Party Pirate Ship. Meg making fun of a random women gunslinger that she thought was a guy, in return thought she was a girlly guy. A old pirate picture of me and rei rei :ph34r:
  13. Fanen


    @pwyll lol xD, 5 zennies is reqiure :P Wooooooooooot. I updated the thread to july 26 version. its not the eye candy you wanted cause i was lazy of course, but who knows i might be able to update fully in the future. I WANT SCREENIES OF TEH WAFFLE SQUAD. Because of vista, I can't take screen shots with out authorization. @_@ and regular print screen is to annoying. Plus I want people to post some nice screenies :D. options: Like a typical guild meeting. Map Exploring. Guild Team mvp. HQ place Weir conversation Guild photo send me tho msn or upload it to any other site and gimme link. Msn: [email protected] IGN: DukeFan
  14. Fanen


    Looks like this thread needs a update, anyone got any screenies for me? And uhh.. i want make a list of people in the guild ;D. Like everyone(alt not included) Check this out and tell me who i miss @_@, if i do, i didn't mean it. Blood - (car) Rora (mis) Rei rei(si) fang(car) shadow(ace) photo(meg) chiru(kyr) laila(lai) lady L (Lady) cecil (wootman) aradian(pwyll) remedy (azn) KHG (aka frat) Emi ( emi) tomo (emo/sub) yunie (kitkat) luna (krystell) hyze (as himself) duke (jim/fanen) The new members that are here, hmmm i haven't been intro to ya. /hmm New HQ, @warp ra_in01, 222, 90 These are some of the stuff to add i guess xD. hmm yea my vacation was cool. GL HF GG - Duke
  15. Fanen

    Edge of insanity

    Hunting 2k Carat Card, whats the deal with that? @warp gl_cas01(51), big map, and you rarly see carats. There another way or another map to hunt for them right?
  16. Fanen


    Oh btw, I am gonna be gone intill July 22. New recruits PM bloodscythe or come to our HQ.
  17. when is this video goin to be up?
  18. Fanen


    no, I don't really care about the bumps. Gotta ask blood, hes lazy making the ranks tho.
  19. Fanen


    Woot, we won the 25 event coupon event! The loot /owned GL HF GG. That was a nice and quick event.
  20. Fanen


    i haven't checked those bands out yet, might but i am ro addicted at the moment. xD check this out
  21. Fanen


    not really, we have core members and people who logs in once in awhile. i think its better to have a few friends than 15 people you don't know. hmm. and the guild is Dawn Of Dusk.
  22. Fanen


    Haha, the glass is only half full ;D. You are welcome to join if ya want. :rolleyes: A short hangout with Cecil's guild, at their HQ. On Fourth of July. I was a bit drunk, tho i don't drink much.
  23. Fanen


    Yea, two of them are. xD
  24. Fanen


    Recent stuff. xD The AFK boat have double in sized!? Eddga Hunting Season Short Vacation To Jawaii Jupe-ING -Bump wars-
  25. Fanen


    How about? Those jumpy japanese music. Or something like Intial D.
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