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Colt 45

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About Colt 45

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  • Real Name
    Colt 45
  • Ingame Character Names
    ---Colt Reflect

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  1. or maybe we could at least increaase the damage of STAVE. we couldnt base everything on a "team play" basis" as it isnt WOE everyday. what about things like Last Man Standing?
  2. i believe that this server is after the balance of all classes and with that i think that professors and wizards are underpowered because of the effect of GTB that makes people IMMUNE to all magic spells I understand that there is this STAVE CRASHER as an alt but the max damage of 24k per stave (considering non thana weps coz not all people afford thana) is just not enough to kill a class with 260k-310k HP. I SUGGEST that instead of being IMMUNE to magic, why not just make GTB effect REDUCE magic spells by 70%? at least not immune.
  3. +1 to this. WS B.ring is a mess right now. badly needs reworking. Bio Cursed = Can Deal up to 140k Gunslinger = up to 98k Full Bustera WS Blessed Full Geared = max dmg 44k its just not right. GMs??? any feedback???
  4. with all due respect GMs. i think, together with the balancing of all the OP classes in the server, WS B.Set on the other hand needs a little love. a full geared Whitesmith (non-thana) with all the buffs it needs can only do like 40k damage which is pretty ridiculous coz in all servers whitesmith is known to be a full offensive class. its damage (40k per hit) is also very very low as compared to other classes like that of the Mammo type Bio, Gunslinger Full Buster Type and the like. please also note that whitesmith is the only class known to counter paladins so i really think this server's whitesmith blessed set needs a buff. thanks a lot! :)
  5. Does it really need a nerf? WHEN: 1.) it only does good damage on people wearing GR. 2.) Wear 2tao Gunka and Napalm Damage is pretty seedable 3.) GTB makes it totally useless
  6. every class now is almost balanced except that Bio Cursed set is kinda OP. Considering that Sinx Bash type was nerfed that its damage on a 2 handed weapon will not reach 100k is just a clear sign that Bio Cursed set which deals up to 120k damage on a one handed weapon NEEDS A NERF what do you guys think?
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