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Forsaken Elite
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About Rad

  • Birthday 04/16/1991

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Ohio, betch.
  • Interests
    Drawing, painting, graphic design, fucking around on the internet.

Rad's Achievements


Knight (3/10)



  1. MAC

    Happy Bithday!!!

  2. So. I'm just about ready to leave. Temporarily, mind you. Still, just thought I'd leave a notice here that I'd be MIA for a bit. Adios, amigos.
  3. "If you walk out on me, Im walking after you" - foo fighters xD

  4. Banned for having dancing cats in your signature. I hate cats. 'Cept my grumpy ol' cat, Tiger.
  5. Only if they are cheap. TPBM is a d00d.
  6. Nope. I'm broke as broke can be. TPBM enjoys dark chocolate.
  7. Banned for not enjoying the ambiance of advertising~!
  8. Dora the Explorer?!
  9. Chris Hansen?^
  10. Granted, but then you have a friend problem. I'd like some decent colored pencil paper. D:<
  11. ^ A tiny Puma^
  12. Banned for the Joker reference.
  13. Rad

    Have you ever?

    No, but I wanted to maim them. Have you ever had a revelation really late at night?
  14. Rad

    Have you ever?

    Nope, but I've eaten a quarter. Have you ever played with Barbies?
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