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Everything posted by Mikeru

  1. Mikeru

    S> Bacsojin Card

    ill buy for 30 /no1 willing to negotiate, but there's someone on the forums selling it for 30dqpons so... char name: ~*Yuriko-Hime*~
  2. Mikeru

    b> Ifrit rings

    Hey! ill sell to you for 10 dqpons /no1 PM me in game or just reply here! /ok usernames: ~*Yuriko-Hime*~ (I know its a complex name)---srry /sob or PM: Mikeru
  3. hey its me again! /heh Ill buy that bacsojin card~ You know the name /no1 but just in case Ign is: ~*Yuriko-Hime also, if im not on go ahead an PM some good friends of mine they'll buy it in my place /ok IGNs: Son Ken (btw, he's looking to sell his Amon Ra card, so you can ask him about buying that ^.0 Mikeru
  4. Ill sell you GTB for 45 dqpons... /no1 Name: ~*Yuriko-Hime*~ or you can PM a good friend of mine... Username: Son Ken (sorry for such a complex name...) /sob
  5. hey ill buy the pink ones.. Ign: ~*Yuriko-Hime*~
  6. no thnx
  7. leave offer plz! or PM in game. (I check forums frequently) Accepting Dqpons, MVP cards, or other gears Char name: Son Ken
  8. DONT PM me plz leave message :lol:
  9. Mikeru


    I dont mean to be selfish or ask so much, but i'd like to some more black and blue/baby-blue palettes for ninja... thnx! oh, and having a palette for profs matching the lif hat would b awesome...if at all possible thanks!
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