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About Florian

  • Birthday 08/21/1990

Contact Methods

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    we are comrades
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Profile Information

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  • Interests
    law, sunshine, rabbits, strawberry jell-o, icecream, slaughter

Florian's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. omg yes, i love this show! ;w; dr. stein, death scythe, and chrona are my favorite characters.
  2. Florian


    ohgod now is the time of massive quote. .. uhm. thanks!? thank you very much! :3 lol ok, thank you very much!! .. yes. yes it did. ): thank you anyway, though! and you really quit?! ;_; how lame!!
  3. Florian


    thank you! your avatar is so cute! :3
  4. Florian


    i'm actually female. XD ♥
  5. Florian


    thank you very much, and i'm sure i will too. ♥
  6. Florian


    thank you both very much! n__n and yeah, whiners are the worst. they're hilarious, though.
  7. Florian


    thank you very much! hahaha, i'm not terribly attached to PKing(though it can be fun if you aren'ta jerk!), but my first RO server was a PK server and i kinda wanted the nostalgia factor. XD
  8. you shouldn't say mean things like that about yourself! you're so cuuute!! ♥ yeah, i'd totally guess you were asian. XDDD here's mine, bleh :/ this one (link) is way less emo though XD
  9. Florian


    hii! i hope i'm doing this right--i've never made an introduction post before, haha! my name is chrona, and i just started playing on this server yesterday. i admittedly thought i was getting into a heavy PK server(i was wrong, right? i haven't just been looking in the wrong places?), but this server is so much nicer than all the other ones i've played on! i'm really excited to be a part of it! my three characters are Florian, a high priest, Heath, a blacksmith, and Solomon, a gunslinger. feel free to poke me if you see me in-game! ♥
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