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About BaldeLord

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  1. Ohh i see.. thanks for the replies :))
  2. Does Double Attack also procs crit??
  3. I see.. sorry i didn't know that hahaha demn that's cool 100 ATK each card haha, owhh okay okay i get it. yeah str rune is better :) ty bro :D
  4. hahaha srsly?? or is it a bug or glitch?? or maybe you're just using 4 atroce that's why its +100 ATK and u didn't notice it?? I see... Thank you bro for the guide :)) last one why crit is bad for me??
  5. I see thank you Maiimaii imma do that haha.. But I thought emp aura only works inside the emperium or not?? and i think Atroce only gives 25 ATK not 100 atk while zipperbear gives 30 ATK base on the ratemyserver.... is Atroce Card in fRO different?? Thank you for the reply niemono89 imma note that ':D hahaha Aaaaaaand last one.. isn't ifrit card is better than str rune?? coz ifrit gives 1 atk for every 10 job lvl.. so we have max 255 job lvl so it gives +25 ATK ryt?? niemo nion
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