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Everything posted by MimiGizmo

  1. Hey im back (again) i haven't been on for like a year now lol missing this place heaps and if you a member of Affinity my sisters Guild can u please email ASAP because i was ment to be the guild leader but i had to move house soo that didn't work okay thanks bye!! /gawi /bo
  2. MimiGizmo

    Random Junk

    /owned hey yall write inn plz because i hve nothing to do lol write in and do want you want
  3. Whos she? and thanks guys for being soo nice
  4. how do you get scared of that one girl? /?
  5. Whats his name how old r u and how old is he?
  6. Where is your favorite place to chill, hang out or rest?
  7. Thanks for being do nice i will ask you i im stuck or if i need help love you Mezri!! /lv
  8. MimiGizmo


    Hello im Mimi and im new to the server and new to the forums im Mezri's little sister. I started today and i have done okay my sister has help me alot Thanks Mezri. My character is: MimiCreator
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