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onetwothree last won the day on June 14 2017

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  1. I posted a topic twice regarding this hoping to get a decent response but was only told that there's already an "alernative solution" and I shouldn't complain because it's been there for years already. first: I just started playing this year and only got familiarized with the "politics" in this game over the past few weeks. second: where is your alternative solution? If you said that this topic has been opened several times then why not change it as fast as you nerf? When are you going to implement that "alternative solution" ? when that single guild who dominates the current pvp ladder gets a million pvp tokens? FACT: newbies, donators and other guilds can't do shit in pvp ladder(unless theyre in that special pvp party of Wasong) 1st, 2nd and 3rd place are currently dominated by Warsong which gives them 15 pvp tokens = 10,500 forsaken tokens. THE BEST thing to do here is have it like LMS. no parties. no babies. so players would actually battle to rank.
  2. NO Party and NO BABY immediate implementation in PVP. THIS NEEDS IMMEDIATE IMPLEMENTATION because this involves pvp toks that can be sold for forsaken toks and forsaken toks HAVE monetary value because they only come from the token shop. there's no denying that the pvp system is messed up. the #1 spot is occupied by the BIGGER party. not to mention they feed eachother to secure their spot. THIS IS OBVIOUS AND HAS BEEN HAPPENING FOR THE PAST FEW MONTHS (or probably years even before I started playing). Don't ask to post screenshots or videos. you should know the trend in the pvp and investigate it yourself. EVERY PLAYER who's interested in pvp KNOWS THIS -and the ones who will deny this are the ones who are benefiting from it. Just look at Kage Dan. #1 spot, -there was a time when his kills was 1200 and deaths was 2? AND YOU CALL THIS SERVER BALANCED? the conversion of pvp tokens to forsaken tokens is 1:700 so each week they get 7k forsaken tokens. (+2800 for their 2nd place and +700 for their third) so that's a total of 10500 tokens SOLELY to just one group of pvp players (or to be more specific, ONE GUILD) THIS IS THE SAD REALITY OF QUANTITY DOMINANCE IN THIS SERVER. You have new players trying to be competitive and take the end-game quests(Dragonist armor) but they can't because the market is dominated by opportunist players whod use their numbers to rank up and get filthy rich. SO MAKE THE PVP SINGLE ENTRY AND NO BABIES. babies are basically free cheaters. they pneuma, stand on traps, use sight, TROLL etc. this NEEDS to be included in the next update. 10.5k tokens to one group every week and still NOBODY would do anything about it.
  3. NO Party and NO BABY immediate implementation in PVP. THIS NEEDS IMMEDIATE IMPLEMENTATION because this involves pvp toks that can be sold for forsaken toks and forsaken toks HAVE monetary value because they only come from the token shop. there's no denying that the pvp system is messed up. the #1 spot is occupied by the BIGGER party. not to mention they feed eachother to secure their spot. THIS IS OBVIOUS AND HAS BEEN HAPPENING FOR THE PAST FEW MONTHS (or probably years even before I started playing). Don't ask to post screenshots or videos. you should know the trend in the pvp and investigate it yourself. EVERY PLAYER who's interested in pvp KNOWS THIS -and the ones who will deny this are the ones who are benefiting from it. Just look at Kage Dan. #1 spot, -there was a time when his kills was 1200 and deaths was 2? AND YOU CALL THIS SERVER BALANCED? the conversion of pvp tokens to forsaken tokens is 1:700 so each week they get 7k forsaken tokens. (+2800 for their 2nd place and +700 for their third) so that's a total of 10500 tokens SOLELY to just one group of pvp players (or to be more specific, ONE GUILD) THIS IS THE SAD REALITY OF QUANTITY DOMINANCE IN THIS SERVER. You have new players trying to be competitive and take the end-game quests(Dragonist armor) but they can't because the market is dominated by opportunist players whod use their numbers to rank up and get filthy rich. SO MAKE THE PVP SINGLE ENTRY AND NO BABIES. babies are basically free cheaters. they pneuma, stand on traps, use sight, TROLL etc. this NEEDS to be included in the next update. 10.5k tokens to one group every week and still NOBODY would do anything about it.
  4. Reasons why I think SG's should NOT be the NERF priority 1. Remove the Napalm Vulcan command from WSG ring. if not, then have the rest of the Grings use their respective chance skills (Clown-Bash , Gypsy Holy cross etc) 2. Do not exceed 50% reflect for any class (Because SG's and Champs DIE from reflect easily but NINJA's dont. oh yeah, ninja got nerfed. SURE.) 3. Disable Taekwon Ranker Bonuses (Because working hard SHOULD NOT reward any BUFFS. Let's all live a HAPPY BALANCED life) 4. SG's can kill 3 classes easily and can be killed as easily as well. USELESS on other classes. <--this is REASON enough not to touch the class. 5. NERF ALL THE RINGS ALTOGETHER. you want balance? make the nondonated rings have the same effect as the donated ones. whole point of this game is to have balanced stuff? seriously? then why are vote items weaker than their donation counterparts? even the rings?
  5. regarding the WS I'm still searching for how they can cast NV on command. reality is, this server FAVORS the guild where most of the GM's are. that's the truth.
  6. Cookie, because only those who own the build KNOW MORE about it. SG's can ONLY place 3 hatred. the ones with no hatred can kill a SG. <-this should be enough there are elemental redux cards and equips. CLOWNS WITH HATRED don't get BURST <- another point. In video gaming, a nerf is a change to a game that makes something less effective or desirable. The word can be used as a verb to describe that change. The opposite of nerf is buff or revamp hence, we're pushing for BUFFING other builds. get the picutre?
  7. again cookie, i have no issues with your ring. the only issue I have with you is when you said "nerfing" was being used biasedly when you yourself used the term when you initiated the sg nerf. I'l tell you this again - I DONT CARE IF YOUR RING IS OP. I DONT MIND IF THEY WILL NERF IT OR NOT BECAUSE I DONT HAVE A WSGRING YET. get my point? that's where the connect is. bape does a huge damage with his FSK but have you tried using it yourself? here's what Im trying to promote now LEAVE SGS ALONE IF YOU DONT OWN ONE. SG's dont benefit from it THAT MUCH. they ONLY have hatred on 3 classes but can die easily if you know how to counter them.
  8. oh no no not at all. sheesh. what I was trying to say on that post was if players with no WSg ring will see you own them ALOT of times in fild where they can see your damage output and dont understand how it happens then there'll be that one person who will report it here. accessible meaning have other players get a chance to use it first. make the "OP" effect last longer before jumping into nerfing them. If youre saying that your build should be nerfed and youre the only one using it then sure go ahead nerf it(it's 100%). but SG's like us (probably 10 or more now in the server? it used to be just me and bape) should be the ones to have a say on the matter of SG's getting a nerf- instead of those who dont own one. get my point? also, where is that hidden update page? been trying to look for it also might I add, do SG's, WS's, Sinx bash really deserve/d nerfs? because OBVIOUSLY the ones OWNING the pvp ladder with no competition should be the focus of NERFS (you have a ninja there with what? 300 kills? do you see any SG in the top 3?) that pvp ladder should give you an idea on what and what not to nerf because THEYRE the ones benefiting the MOST with this nerfs. LESS COMPETITION for them. MORE PVP TOKS. you KNOW im RIGHT.
  9. No, I dont mind it having that effect. I don't mind it being overpowered during woe. -because i havent tried it myself. But do you get the picture? You dont get alot of hate for it because you dont really use it in fild. And Im sure we both know what your reason is for not showing it. the moment you kill people in fild and show how you can kill them with something they havent tried, youll have that one person who will report it here. or submit a ticket. why not make the item accessible to everyone first before nerfing it? that way, those without any idea how it works can rightfully say it should be nerfed.
  10. Cookie, i was asking how can ws's with gring cast napalm vulcan on command?
  11. Well since this is a topic for nerfs, how can ws's with gring cast napalm vulcan on command? Im reading the effect and it doesnt say enable use of napalm vulcan. i tried browsing for cards and scrolls but couldnt find any. Does fro offer such? and as for sg's doing a ridiculous amount of damage to targets with hatred, let's also talk about the damage it does to the ones without hatred? How much? 45k total? And by chance? You nerf it, you kill it. Like what happened to the new batch of bash type sinx's with brutal helms. Theyre all dead.
  12. oh please. where's your sg ring? if you really have one youd be fully aware of the disadvantages -nuff said- buffing just doesnt just mean having stronger damage. more lifepool can be a buff. more elemental resist can be a buff. think please. again youre being one sided. the only time it was about cookie was when he commented that the term nerf is being biasedly used. problem with you folks is youre being too self-righteous and not thinking out of the box .
  13. wtf are you talking about? the only time it got personal was when cookie said my friend uses cheats. clearly this forum is one sided. Yes, it can get reflected, but classes are not meant to 1 hit players in the first place (*cough* ninja *cough*) <--- 1 hit? REALLY? DO YOU EVEN OWN A SG G SET? YOUR ARGUMENT CAN ONLY BE VALID IF YOU OWN ONE. Stop QQing about nerfs, all the nerfs (A.K.A BALANCING) have been legit so far, you can't say bash sinx wasnt op when the damage was higher than a SONIC BLOW sinx, thats just stupid. <--- do you even listen? People spend REAL MONEY to get what they want. and just because a CLASS can outperform another class that doesnt mean it's BROKEN or it needs to get NERFED and if it is REALLY broken then have the decency to compensate for it. IF YOU DONT WANT PEOPLE GETTING ANNOYED BY THIS THEN HAVE BETA TESTERS USE THOSE THINGS FOR FREE. NOT TEST THEM OUT ON PEOPLE WHO PAYS REAL MONEY. TK Rankers are OP but you will just hear "OH THEY WORKED HARD TO BE RANKERS THEY DESERVE THE BONUSES" sooo... SG's dont deserve the bonuses from hatred after working extra hard to get their equipments? Alot of arguments can be made.- I'll stick with STOP NERFING and START BUFFING. thanks.
  14. Oh well. Go make a sg and ill counter it. Plain and simple.
  15. u dont seem to get it when stuff gets cheaper its nothing to do with the class being weak or anything its peoples demand for that item <--you're kidding right? nothing to do with the class being weak but people's demands? where do demands start in the first place? please. simple-->> Higher demand for strong builds and Lower demand for weak builds. sheesh. must you really point that out? your WS set was 4k way back and now it's 2k why? because cart term damage is awful even with the mforger. the reason why youre owning with your WS is because of your Gring. let's not kid ourselves here. U make a ring which has never been fully seen and tested and i agree class is fun and stuff but look at it from our point of view too or atleast try because i look at it from ur point of view too all im asking is the decency to do the same. Ur dmg is too damn high plain and simple : are you really that self-absorbed as to think that you're the only rational person here? you really think I havent dared look at it in your point of view? you can spam your NV and I can die in what? 1 second? if you tell me I can simply use GTB, then I can tell you to simply full reflect. but you wont see me being arrogant telling everyone I DIE BECAUSE YOUR BUILD IS OP SCREW THIS ILL ASK FOR NERF. and yea its fine i dun mind the argument lol but u guys are acusing me of hax . If it makes u feel better record me during any time anywer when im playing fild/woe wotever u wish and report me i dun mind at all - please read everything you posted. you started the accusation. I was merely citing an example of more alarming things to report than nerfing. l i dun have fun in the game if i cant die lol and i wldnt care if u do it honestly - ok live by this. and stop crying nerfs.
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