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About xPeasant

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  1. Balanced it thats what the gms do
  2. sigh i think we need to implement the 3rd jobs now
  3. then well just write a deserving review on this game
  4. i 2 second to this if @ c0okiee couldnt defeat this characters then he'll whine like a kid again and will ask the gms to nerf it
  5. @ c0okiee you sounded like donald trump... that couldnt accept a loss or a defeat you just want is winning everytime.... get over it
  6. i respect that but people get too focus one my topic and making it a big deal.. i have a sg g.ring i woe today and my HP is 260k.. ofc i have a huge dmg but the hp is really terrible you cant really rely on paladin because they have to devo the priorities on the guild vs guild...
  7. Just a suggestion a populat ro 8 years ago has this a separated pvp rooms for non geared and geard players so you could see the balance in there...
  8. Stop making it a big deal.. its g.ring it supposed to be better than blessed ring...
  9. Sooo youre telling me that the money we donate is just we pick on trees?.. we are wasting money on this game too... real money.. anyway my poiny is.. people should be sport from this game... you cant kill a player because he/she has stronger items? dont cry all over the forums about it.. if you wana be stronger then as people says here work hard for it. because its not fair to the others too...
  10. Apparently still is
  11. and everybody on this game thinks the same as you?
  12. Theres no such thing as a hard work in game private servers are built to be played pay 2 win since the admins started putting donations on the on the game.. yes of course its time consuming becuase its the quest right? but dont you need to donate the items as well like where are you going to get the capes?
  13. 1st i would like to say that my grammar and English isn't that good 2nd i would like to express my feelings to the people on this game and to the GMS and ADMINS. this game is pay 2 win server no matter what or what kind of RO server you joined to... if you cant beat a player because youre unable to comprehend this game? or hunt the most expensive items in game? then better to quit or find another server.. because its not fair to us ( donators ) we spend real money in order to get stronger and then you keep whining about why some people are over powered? sorry but this is the reality guys if you want to get stronger then donate... dont whine in the forums that you cant kill or hunt shit on the game... there are like tons to be nerf on the game why cry on SG wants to be nerf???? why not cry about the WS that has 3% chance to cast Napalm Vulcan with increased damage of 700% to target. thats 700%!!!! on 3% on 195 attk speed!!! 1 more 2% chance to cast lvl 10 Bash on enemy target with increased damage of 1000%, 6% chance to cast lvl 10 Heal with increased effect by 750% to self when dealing Physical damage. you gonna whine or cry about this too if you see a clown killing 20 people????? like wtf guys as for you gms and admins, we deserve better because were buying stuff from you.. in reality we are paying you guys. if not then why not refund all the money we spend from here
  14. the point here is be a sporty? its not fair for the people who spend money this is a pay 2 win for crying out loud...
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