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About keane5956

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    Aaron Keane
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  1. EXCUSE ME?? IN WHICH PART OF MY "1st" POST DID I SPECIFY and target YOU???? am i to believe that Cookie is ASSUMING?
  2. You're skipping the point. You do not take something back when it has been given. The ITEM was made that way. The ITEM HAS A PRICE. PEOPLE PAY TO GET IT. WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO SPENT FOR IT AFTER THE NERF?
  3. what about NINJAS??? ever imagined how a battle between an SG and a NINJA will go? I dont think star glads can win against ninjas. DUDE THINK
  4. When a starglad with the capability to use 7 elements does great damage on the element you are on, its not our problem. LEARN HOW TO SHIFT. ANGELING is kinda common and predictable. most people would use it against a star glad.
  5. If you die so many times its ur problem, people don't have to be like you just to be "non haxer", if thats what you call me. Im not the only one who can battle with 5 people. You probably CAN'T, but there are certain skilled people WHO CAN. NOT JUST ME. Are you always the basis of what's normal and what isn't? You're not even a pro to be one. dude stop it. PLEASE. LOL
  6. @cookie - i dont see your point when you said new items are still open for adjustments and tests. before it should be released, ALL TESTS must have been done. Would you sell a cellphone without testing if it even works? Makes sense? You boastfully tell people you're gonna have a specific class nerfed, and yes you yourself use the term "nerf" as always. My point is, we spend money to get those "NEW ITEMS". LIKE the "G" rings for which you specifically called the Star Glad "G" OP and then you want it nerfed? What about the people who spent money for it? Like me and a few donators i know who use the same class? Its like selling a product without quality. People buy stuff for it's quality, why take the quality back or take a part of it? Get my point? Instead of taking the quality of the item, why not GIVE quality to the others so as to make it "BALANCED" if thats what you call it? Everytime you say a class will be NERFED (thats the term you always use) it happens. Are you some GM or something? Are you a Donator? I also am, my friends are too. You're not the only donator here who has the right to make a point. We spent money for this, that's the point. Its so UNFAIR that you nerf just because of your opinion. If you really are a skilled player you'll KNOW how to counter things YOU CALL "OP". The sad thing is, you're not. I tell you, there are a number of GOOD PLAYERS i cannot defeat using a StarGlad G set. So i don't think it is OP. Besides, it can only do good damage on 3 classes which I DONT THINK YOU EVEN KNOW.
  7. what should be the grounds for nerfing a class? Should it be like, if one class cant kill it? or if one class cant win against it? IN THE FIRST PLACE, The new items were CREATED THAT WAY. And we donated so as to get them. Isn't it unfair that when after spending real money for it, its gonna be nerfed JUST BECAUSE someone CANNOT FIGHT IT? I strongly suggest, that instead of nerfing, why not just buff the other classes? That way the MARKET in THIS SERVER won't be AS AWFULLY DEAD AS IT IS NOW. I love playing in this server, but the nerfs are REALLY DISCOURAGING and DISAPPOINTING. I HOPE YOU GUYS CONSIDER ASKING THE PLAYERS WHO USE THE REPORTED CLASS BEFORE NERFING IT COZ ITS REALLY UNFAIR AND ONE-SIDED TO JUST NERF LIKE THAT.
  8. I actually don't get the point of allowing parties inside PvP considering that people abuse it (going inside with a group on DEVO) to farm points because of the reward (pvp toks). That's why its called PvP, it's supposed to be Player vs Player and not Player vs Groupie.
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