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Everything posted by imbetternow

  1. I just want to discuss about the sniper blessed ring stats. Sniper cursed ring becomes more expensive i just want to give my opinion to make it balance. So for sniper Blessed ring i want to suggest a status like this just to make it fair. +30% to DS and -10% on FAS then still 10% on HP and still +7% on attack or just make it = to GS that is a full buster type. Cause they always say that GS is OP but its just fair cause its a single target skill unlike the FAS type sniper having a good damage and AOE but sniper DS type is having a low damage and still single target so i want to say that make the double strafe becomes like the full buster or make it equal.
  2. I just want to discuss about the sniper blessed ring stats. Sniper cursed ring becomes more expensive i just want to give my opinion to make it balance. So for sniper Blessed ring i want to suggest a status like this just to make it fair. +30% to DS and -10% on FAS then still 10% on HP and still +7% on attack or just make it = to GS that is a full buster type. Cause they always say that GS is OP but its just fair cause its a single target skill unlike the FAS type sniper having a good damage and AOE but sniper DS type is having a low damage and still single target so i want to say that make the double strafe becomes like the full buster or make it equal.
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