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Everything posted by IndiaAngelCruz

  1. Lols Not a big deal, I'm pretty used to people not thinking thats me When i play these games haha
  2. Um the pictures are of me but if you dont believe me.. i dont care? Just a game.. not like im here trying to hook up with people etc. I have taken plenty of proof pics before and might later if needed for you guys But like I said.. honestly dont care lols anyways thanks to the other people who welcomed me! hope to see & chat with everyone in game soon :3 /kus
  3. LOL thankies :3 Sure? Haha
  4. Thankies :3
  5. Aww, lol! Thanks =] Hope to see you around in game sometime!! My ign is in my sig as well!! Heya Defiance!! Yup, already starting off great =] Thanks for the welcoming!! Lol.. Hi.. Bye
  6. Thanks! Aww, that sucks you're banned
  7. Thankies :3 MS Paint ftw <3 Haha! I use MS Paint alot too =]
  8. I am online silly I've been leveling this whole time haha And bleh.. you dont need to leech me but PM me if you wana talk to me or whatever My ign is in my siggy
  9. Er.. ok Some spanish guys arent that sexy lol But most that i meet are xP Idk though.. There might be a sexy fat spanish guy out there? haha Who knows
  10. Psh For me spanish guys are sexy, lol And i've seen your pics.. you're not ugly ;)
  11. Aww, haha Whats wrong with bein a white boy? lol White boys are cute.. er.. some.. haha
  12. Whats the other half? xP .. I'm Puerto Rican and Black (if you couldnt tell)
  13. Lol Btw, I'm not full rican xP
  14. Just because they dont get along in your school doesnt mean anything... /shy Its also funny you say that because i have a lot of DR friends @_@
  15. Whats wrong with being Puerto Rican?
  16. Thanks :] Lol Thanks!! I hope to see you as well!
  17. Thanks!
  18. Pictures of me http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x150/IndiaAngelCruz/4.jpg http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x150/In...gelCruz/Me5.jpg http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x150/In...BoricuaBaby.jpg http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x150/In...beindumblol.jpg
  19. Thanks! You too! And thanks about the siggy as well!!
  20. IndiaAngelCruz

    hey hey

    Hey peoples! My name is India and I just started playing on this server... Im a photoshop whore <3 so any pic i post will have something photoshopped in it probably haha anyways just sayin hi! my nub char name is iNDiA if anyone wants to talk to me xP i love makin new friends and what not!!
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