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Everything posted by siewlong

  1. Just curious, how do you set the hotkey to your mouse?
  2. Hey, I'm fairly new to the server (1 week) and I'm currently looking for an mvp guild. From this post I think I'm really going to enjoy being in your guild. =D Right now I have a sniper and have completed the F.Knight, L.weapon, L.Zod and Dex Gaunt quest and not sure where to continue. I've also completed the Silver MVP and Forsaken Dungeon Pass Quests. I'd really love to join your guild and learn from you as well if you'll take me =D My IGN is MinaHarker, drop me a pm when you're on =D
  3. ^ yeah, i think pouring would be a better as well. Anyway i'm getting consistent damage on acidus now and most importantly consistently kill them in 1 hit with 94 base crit so its fine =]
  4. I think I figured it out. Fas DOES add 20 crit chance, however monsters have crit def as well based on their luk. Every 5 luk gives 1 crit def. So acidus for example has 69 luk with gives it roughly 14 crit def, meaning I need 114 crit (94 + 20 from Fas) to crit acidus 100% of the time. Can somebody confirm if this is true?
  5. that's odd, with those stats i'm getting 30k-60k what's your crit with those stats? I tried raising my crit to 101 with luk and I seem to be consistently getting 60k dmg
  6. I'm actually following this guide http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/29194-royces-beginner-abyss-farming-guide/ Unless they changed something I didn't know about ><
  7. Hi, I just started a couple days back and I'm trying to make a FAS build. Anyway, now I got my base crit up to 84 and with FAS giving additional +20 crit, I should have full crit. However when I'm farming Gold Acidus, my damage fluctuates between 40k and 75k. Am I doing something wrong?
  8. Hey guys, not sure if i'm doing it correctly but I don't think i'm getting 100% crit with FAS even after raising my crit up to 84. i'm getting 2 different damage, 40k and 70k, am i doing something wrong?
  9. Ah alright, now i regret throwing some away earlier XD
  10. Hi, I'm new to the server and I'm doing the dungeon pass quest right now. I was wondering, what materials should I keep from mining? Is any of the other materials gained from mining used for crafting/questis? Or can I just sell all of them to NPC?
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