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  1. Gamers

    Woe chest drops

    Yeaaa thats the spirit guys lets hope it gets added.
  2. Gamers

    Woe chest drops

    A simple suggestion. Since the chests drop berry tickets and they are already so collectable why not make them also drop poison bottle tickets lets say 5-10 tickets a chest? Let me know what you all think.
  3. fcp yourself inside? ;o
  4. I totally agree.
  5. Gamers

    ahhhhh fcp...

    First of all tick isnt such a great ws i beat him many times including the day before he made the "champs should be nerfed" topic.Everyone is beatable. And second of all FCP is fine as it is if you wana beat someone with fcp and your using ws/strip stuff you just gotta wait it out because just like your using strip/ws they can be using it too and then you can get fcp as well so its not like its only a buff for them. Im sure people wouldnt like the duration of fcp to be shortened and then what happens in woe? lawl.
  6. Gamers

    Server lagging

    Your posts still werent relavent/useful.
  7. Gamers

    Server lagging

    @Gen to your recommendations the following: 1. I have rebooted my router several times in an attempt to solve the problem. It has not worked. 2. I do not play in an internet cafe. I play at home on my PC. 3. I do not play with effects. As for the last thing you said i believe this may be the problem so i will be contacting them soon in an attempt to resolve the issue.Also i would just like to say that im not far from America and normally my pings on American servers are fine so that is not the issue.I believe that it is my isp causing the problem and i will have to deal with that. @Wizardry there was no need for your posts here they werent helpful in anyway and you should think about what your posting before you do. It is quite clear to see Genesis and the Gms here work hard and do a damn good job hence the reason the server is doing well. There was really no need for what you said and a little appreciation for what you have now is better than always wanting something better that you may never have. Thanks.
  8. Gamers

    Server lagging

    Thanks for the info Gen and i did what you said and got a ping of 465 ms. I know thats high but there are times when i would not lag at all and i did bandwidth tests on my net and it was working fine so what could be causing it? because ive noticed that its only when the server has 250+ people or around that then many people start to get lag.
  9. Gamers

    Server lagging

    Guys im fairly new here but ive noticed that when the server has around 250+ players on it starts to lag a lot for many people, me being one of them.I dont know whats the reason for it and im sure its not my internet.I looked at the hardware specs of the server and i dont see a reason for the lag so can anyone fill me in on whats up? thanks
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