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About Ping27

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  1. First off, no one cares about the sniper. This post is about LK spam and the video was to point out the speed of the spam and nothing else But since, for some reason, everyone’s attention is on sniper let me just reply to those just so you don’t think I’m the mainstream sniper who doesn’t know how to pvp. Coma using ifrit rings? It is much faster to switch shields (usakoring to GTB) then switch two accessories. As soon as the sniper normal attacks and casts all the funny skills, it’s an easy switch to GTB. The sniper would have to change accessories before he could do decent FAS and even if he got 2 or 3 FAS the LK wouldn’t die because he has like 400-500k HP Pneuma against spiral pierce? LKs have skill called charge attack. If you wear RSX, you will be both on pneuma and how are you supposed to attack? And you would die on RSX if LKs could spam BB like that Cloak and cspeed? Easy. LK can use Box of sunlight and sight (card accessory) or magnum break. Also once the spiral pierce has stun locked you, it would be difficult to cloak No one cares about the sniper. LKs are supposed to have the advantage over them. But the video could have been about LK against champ, WS or whatever it doesn’t matter who win. I was only pointing out the spam The numbers could be tricky to look at, especially with the reflect damage. I suggest you get LK with 3 kiels and 195 aspd then spam BB on to someone with RSX or cornered in a wall. Then compare, rewatch the video and LISTEN to the whip sound. It shouldn’t be this fast, legit or not which is why I suggested to nerf the spam to prevent the abuse altogether
  2. Yes alright the sniper didnt make the smartest decision. He could've played much better But to all disagreeing, you really think the spam should be that fast? If you complain that the damage is low for Halb then switch to freyrs blade, thats what it's for! Spiral pierce is already deadly enough Seriously go rewatch the clip, not saying to make it super slow but that shit is damn too fast
  3. My suggestion is what the title says. I know alot of LK players would be mad at this but just watch this video Pay special attention starting 0:20 when she changes headgear then decide to change armor (evil druid) to prevent getting stoned. From there nothing could stop the spam. Poor sniper barely has any time to attack because she could only hope to spam seeds. I know the BB spam on freyrs blade was nerfed before but the spam on Halb is still fast. During WoE, if they want fast spam they should get magic strings just like everybody else LK already have strong damage, high HP and then fast spam. They just god damn OP :D
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