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About REcilince

  • Birthday 01/30/1995

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Sitting my bum in Lutie
  • Interests

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  • Ingame Character Names
  • Guild
    Pooty Army

REcilince's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. Screenshots? :"D Some screenshots could help--but I think I can work something off of this LOL
  2. Hey, thanks :"D
  3. Closed! No longer doing these, sorry :' )
  4. Thank you! Will do :"D
  5. Thank you :"D Awesome, will do B"))
  6. Thanks! HELLO THANK YOU tbh leveling is so easy tho I've just been farming and getting levels LOL I'll be sure to check out that noob guide tho, I'm sure I'll need it And thanks :")) Lol sure! I'll hit you up when I can :"D Thank you! o(--(
  7. Hello, everyone! I recently joined with a friend of mine (our old server is pretty dead now, but she missed playing RO--so here we are). You can call me.. Rein. //winkwonk So far it seems like a pretty... chill server, especially considering the PK aspects--but that's fine with me, as I'm a pretty chill person. B")) Anyway, it'd be nice to get to know some of you! I've been hopping around RO servers from time to time, but I haven't really felt obliged to get on often like the other server I've played for a while. I figure with more human attachments to the server, I'll probably stick around longer. SO YEAH. SUP? Anyone else have this strange appeal for booties? No? Just me? Ok...
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