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Appreciate the reply, however, clarification; I don't appear to get any after cast delay with zeny-fury-zen, been testing alot, does it really make a difference? Why aspd? Does it effect asura? Again I haven't noticed any difference with 177 aspd (1 agi) You're saying 6k sp cap but then saying anymore would be pointless, can you clarify that after 6k sp asura gets absolutely no more benefit? If you're merely talking about diminshing returns, let me know. As for Atk/SP, primarily if I was replacing kiels, unsure, even amongst custom cards if any headgear cards exist for those categories. I would, being pure mvp/pvm, further this by looking at armour and shield. Armour could be gloom etc.. and shield, there are 5% dmg to X element i believe, anything better?
Please consider this for a pure mvp/pvm champ. 1. Kiel is pointless correct? 2. The priority stat wise is simple? Str (max), Dex 150 , Int (everything else) 3. Is there a cap on SP for asura? 4. If i'm not using kiels what are the best headgear cards? 5. Will 2x Dark Illusion stack with a single Dark lord or would it have to be the other way, if at all, for 40% hp/sp? 6. Atk or SP cards? Thanks
Thanks again. Beginning to understand now and it clarifies my disappointment. Basically, the best gears are the donate gears, I just completed the LHZ in-game quest (really really long), and when I received my LHZ it was no different from the 2 previous mid headgears which were significantly easier to create, was hoping for something slightly better considering the mammoth proportions of the quest, even the way the "Stranger" npc describes the quest makes it sound like the reward is going ot be something extra special, and again, as previously mentioned, the npc didn't clarify what the reward was. If I'd know that I'd be receiving an LHZ with the same stats as every other questable mid headgear, I probably wouldn't have bothered. I do know that the donate gears can be traded and I won't drum up the old age argument about donate vs ingame questable items. I've just got to find the right niche to break into the token market to then break into the donate items market. From what I can fathom, it's going to be tickets and mvp cards, with mvp being arena's on weekends (10% right?) as the mvp scene is hard to break into for the cards that will actually attract tokens. Which leaves grinding out tickets. I'm not against donating but I wouldn't personally do it until I've played somewhere long enough to feel the worth and most importantly the longevity of the server :) Thank you though Danger! I'll get to that update and further advice in abit. I'm just grinding out quest items for a new character.
Cheers Danger! Few more queries, mostly to do with acronyms for items - LHZ? - X set ABC, I always see for example SniperB Set or Champ ABC, what does this mean and what items are they referring to? I get the "Class" B/C Ring (blessed or cursed) but not the sets people always refer to. - Imp and Emp? I think Emp is the mid headgear you can get from WoE? Those are all that come to mind right now. Going to do a status update shortly to seek where I should go next as I've accomplished the majority of the legendary quests and actually feel abit disappointed (too many same same items stat wise).
Can tokens be exchanged for tickets? I don't recall seeing an npc doing that but best check. Thanks again danger, so the useable mvp items from lhz_04 won't actually do anything? 7. Can't believe I forgot this but, how do you make a party?
Thank you Danger! Shame about the halloween gears, seem's somewhat nonsensical to fork out an abundance of tokens for something you have no idea of what it does :/ 3. Re "3", From what I've gathered ingame, some of the npc's (formap76) have quests to gain headgears, others have quests which give you halloween tickets, again, the latter, as above, doesn't always tell you what you're getting. I'm basically wondering are all the halloween npc's that give quests rewarding you with either headgears or tickets, or do some have different rewards, I read through the Halloween excerpt and I realise there are other rewards, it's more to do with the anonymity of the reward for those npc's based on formap76. Thanks for the valk helm tip, got it working in the end, I did have cards and had to remove as you suggested. 6) ! Is there something amiss with lhz_dun04. I have never seen anyone else on that map and I hunt there alot for the quests, it's actually probably one of the harder quests to gather items for (Almost there just Randel to go!). I've managed to MVP in there a few times and have been reward a weapon box and coin bag of some sort of higher grade, what are these?
Ok, back with more queries. 1) Can you auto vend? Is this command based, how does it work, if it exists? 2) Is there a list/database for all the Halloween headgears to show stats. There are ALOT of items for Halloween but I can't find the stats for each. 3) Halloween (again). Besides the npcs which are obviously for headgears, are all the other npcs just for tickets? 4) I've got over 2000 halloween tokens, whats the best thing to do with them? (As above, can't see headgear stats so not blindly spending them yet). 5) I used 50 vote tokens on Valk Helm (Blue), but it won't let me change the colour, howcome? 6) ... will add in
Thank you again, you've been very helpful. I completed the silver mvp pass and farmed there for awhile, wow I didn't realise how easy it would be, got bored in the end. I'm currently mass farming treasure boxes, aiming for 10,000 and getting close, again real easy and it's been made alot more fun by the amount of "pvp" that goes on there lol, something to do inbetween as it takes a split second to bounce back in. After farming around 2b zeny i'll take a look at the mvp arenas and rent some speed passes. Should be able to get a couple of vote forsaken kings items soon.
What ring are you referring to? The valk weapons are donation only right? So I'm guessing I'll have to buy from another player using tokens/zeny? What's the going rate for the valk sniper bow? I'm always farming, slow road but not expecting anything quick. The speed tix? The only way to get to the map where they drop (concentrated speed potions?) is to rent it right? Or is there a quest to get a permanent pass? Thank you for all your answers, really helpful and insightful. I hadn't even noticed the donation shop before, slightly disappointing to be honest but only from my own personal perspective, I didn't realise there were so many donation items, even cards but atleast they can still all be traded. What's the best way to start getting tokens, things I can hunt and sell for tokens? I'm guessing high end mvp cards and tickets right? Any other ways? I don't have any tokens, other than halloween and activity.
Thanks again! Well, as I have to wait on the voting for those equipments, I've been powering on with other bits. I finally completed the legendary arrow quest (omg....) I've made holy and fire arrows so far and every now and then i'll go back to collecting wooden hearts for the others. I also completed the forsaken dungeon pass, another horribly long quest, so I've been farming berries now and then as well as halloween tokens. 1) So, what next? I'm working with the sniper slot now as she's incredibly capable of everything, farming, questing and mvp, so makes sense to stick to her for now. Not sure what I should focus on next. 2) Terminology; bit of an odd one but having been here nearly a week now I grow increasingly confused by the trade terminology here. There seems to be lots of short hands for everything so perhaps someone can help me out there, the few I can remember, a) e.g. "2kk" I understand it's a finance reference but what on earth is 2kk? 200,000? 2m? 200m? I've always used "m" for millions. b) equipments? what are these, where are they, are they quests, any specific links or pointers to these equipment references I see would be great - freyrs? - "pure"? - fenrir? - ROP? - AOG? many of these are reference to equipments, so any other popular sort after or sold items that you can think of that may be useful to know would be appreciated! 3) I started relooking at the quests on wiki and noticed theb lessed and curse ring sets which looked really neat, started the quest then realised the huge part with raids, so i've left that for now. This is the second story quest right? The first story quest, seems to be very very secretive with no one being allowed to post or ask specifics related to it, so I won't. But, regarding the Fate of The Gods story quests, The official page is this http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/18654-the-fate-of-the-gods-saga-episode-i-the-dream-of-baldr/ Now, it's incredibly vague but meant ot be hard obviously, i get it. However, after reading it, it seems to me, and correct me if i'm wrong, that in order to even start this quest you are literally looking for an npc, ""baldr" with absolutely zero knoweldgeo f his location? So, needle in a haystack sound about right? Or am I missing something? What other quests, tougher quests should I take a look at now? For gearing up and stuff? 4) PvP. Not getting involved in this right yet but, I went into the official pvp room, I think, "Dragon's Temple" and spoke with the npcs to read about it, is that all working, the whole "Order of The Dragons"? I didn't join as I'm not ready and it said something about having to re-do knight quest if you drop below certain points. As always, appreciate the time taken to read and answer, I'm Jessica Fletcher III ingame (that's 3 x i's) 5) Added: I'm thinking of making another legendary sniper bow but having been looking at other peoples equipments I've seen there are some even better bows, how do i get my hands on these? Oh and more importantly, are they one handed still? Laters!
Thanks all. Since my last update I now have a max Sniper and Champ. I'm working on gearing the sniper, so done legendary knight set, legendary weapon and almost done both of the legendary gauntlets. 1) I've accumulated near 100 vote credits. The things is, there seems to be alot too choose for, what are the primary things I should be using my vote credits for? 2) Is there anywhere that shows a break down of all the items you can exchange "Activity Tokens" for? The npc just lists names, i'd like to see each item and stats together rather than one by one, or better yet, as above, what should i aim to save for with activity tokens? For the above 2, consider that I want items of use, not interested in what looks cool, just items that will make my characters stronger. 3) Why can you not purchase mini-furances? I've searched and found 2 old threads that basically stated the npcs were removed and I checked and see they are removed, meaning you can only obtain them from obb/opb, which seems absurd. The only other thing was mentioned that it may be that you don't need them for blacksmithing? I wanted to change iron ores to iron, is there another way to do this? Please don't say hunt iron... 4) Been looking at the vote shop for a middle headgear, there's a few, they all have 1 slot and +20 stats but all cost different amounts, the cheapest being 50 credits. However each one states "Note: Effect subject to change depending on rank." what does this mean, are these items the same and just look different?
Oh I understand that, I got the item second time round and third. The issue remains it dropped me my own skull as a reward over anything else when the drop table show's only Hero Remains as the only drop.
Drop table shows one drop, "Hero's Remains" at 50%, nothing else, this is a key ingredient for legendary weapons. I just killed it and it dropped myo wn skull, literally, I didn't die but awarded me my own skull, this item doesn't pass for the quest though...
I was collecting items to do one of the many Halloween quests, this one gave you halloween tickets (2). Now, due to the immense weight of the required items (10 x shackles was one of many requirements), it was impossible to carry all the items on any of my characters except my blacksmith on another account. Having now done the quest, I cannot store the tickets in guild store or trade them? Please tell me this isn't intentional?
Thank you! 1. Tickets makes sense now, is EDP purchable (other than market) or can only sin x make it? 4. With the vote forsaken set, other than buying it from other players, this can only be obtining by voting on the website correct? This give you credits to exchange for hte pieces of equipment, it doesn't exchange for a token right? 7. Is box of storms just one element? 8. I already got the crit sword first and you can only wear one legendary weapon at a time right? So as it's the off hand you're saying get it multiple times for whatever cards you need, kind of replacing m.gauche. What do most sins wear on main hand? Ice Pick or is there another custom weapon that can be worn together? Going to work on those cards now, thank you!
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