Doing the Forsaken Dungeon quest, i've come to notice this one quest has a very blatant "Time waster for the sake of time wasting":
The mining part.
The first part of the quest is Ok. Farming the pitmen for Old picks that you can use for mining seems thematically right. It's grindy, but that's what you would expect from an RO quest, save for some of the more interesting quests with good lore like the Rachel Sanctuary quest.
Now... About the mining part:
Reading the guide, i expected the breaking pick gimmick, and the getting of random materials. What i didn't expect though were the instances where Nothing happens("You weren't able to get it out of the rock, try again?") that seem to happen far too frequently (it's bad enough that it's there, let alone with like an 60% chance to happen). It does not add anything to the quest. No fun, no challenge. Nothing. The only thing it challenges is the patience of the player to press Enter a few Thousand extra times which is, IMHO bad design.
From personal experience the chances seems to be something like 60%-Nothing happens, 20%- you get a mat, 20%- Pick breaks.
Why not just make it 50% Pick breaks, 50% you get a mat? It wouldn't make the quest any easier or less grindy, it would just make the most annoying part less infuriating. (And decrease wrist damage :P)
Another thing i've noticed, is that sometimes the "Mining" chatbox randomly closes itself, which means i can't even dual task while i'm mashing Enter, as i have to pay attention to see if the box didn't disappear. It's like this part of the quest was intentionally made to be as infuriating as possible.
PS: Sorry for my bad English, and thanks for taking the time to read the suggestion./rant.