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Everything posted by nercuitx

  1. Thanks guys i'm going to give it a shot. Cheers!
  2. I just wanted to know how effective it still is, i have already read the other topics about this and sinx breaker guides however there is still something that bugs me because i wanted to be somehow different than most crit sinx out there and with all the custom gears and weapons available it just seems obsolete. Question : 1. is it still good for breaking can any experience sinx using ip tell me XD 2. Is it worth it? someone is selling an sloted 1p for 65 toks and i am fairly aware of the downside of using ip due to it having no stats bonus effect Which makes building stats alot harder than L.crit. I appreciate all your answers, i just cant decide because wielding dagger build seems alot more fun to me. Thank youu :DDD
  3. Magic strings isn't always present, more like rarely present. Desperado isn't very spammable and can possible just walk away in its range. Other classes already are so buff up due to such items providence. Gs are supposed to be glass canon very high in damage and easily killed.
  4. How the nerf affected the class in terms of damage? - The nerf of gs spam 80% cap, now what it does is it reduce it's damage input in terms of delivering damage efficiently. - The class is considered Glass canon, However due to its nerf it became mediocre comparing to other class such as sniper. How it affects the community and the class usage? - I've asked people about gs class, they all said the same thing. "That its weak due to nerf" and considered mediocre because of it, it is greatly unplayed. - Less opportunity in market in terms of buying gs items since it is not widely played and people mostly likely don't buy gs items in token shop. (Economically) - Somehow only some of the people who enjoys playing it and people who has passion plays the class regardless of its nerf. (observation and interviewing) Uplifting the 80% cap spam will provide opportunity for it to be use, as well as be often use in pvp lineups in pvp, gvg, woe and br (Generally) it also provides that extra spice in team compositions and make things much more interesting. Because i love this class that i am willing to do anything for it to back to its glory full days. Hoping for your kind considerations. Thank you!
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