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About mangga

mangga's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. Hi 1more question, i have obtained dun pass & there's only variety of poring around. Any special items? Saw few wiz hunting for something. Pls advise tks
  2. Thanks for the guide. Mining it now XD
  3. 30 Green Charmstones 25 Mithril Ore 25 Gold Ore 25 Silver Ore What about the above items? & once l obtain dungeon pass, which map leads to dungeon map? Blur @_@"
  4. Can l know where to get these materials i.e. enriched oridecon & etc.. cant find any of it thru game. pls help appreciated ?
  5. Tks erwin ^^
  6. Could someone explain on these 2items. Need to know 1k credit (thats really exp -_-") only provide 13% reflect? any other addtional stat up and what does "will nt work with storyline quest"? Can stats up just like normal Items? Enlighten plss... Black Vote Raw 1,000 CREDITS 13% Reflect. No slot, equips on lower. Note: Effect subject to change depending on rank. Vote Infernal Ninja Cape 150 CREDITS [Will not work with the Storyline quest] Walking speed + 10% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% MATK + 7%, HP + 5%, SP + 5%, Int + 10, Str +10
  7. Understood. Tks guys...
  8. Is there any mvp that we can summon rather than using token/zeny to kill? Heard GM announcing MVP events at event room & can l know where is the place located? Whats is piece of fragments? To enable us to went into thanatos room. Can dead brch summons mvp? Pls advise tks
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