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About Kayui

Kayui's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. Okais well i looked all over on how to do this skill on the fourms.. can someone please explain on how to use this archer skill please :mellow:
  2. what are these tickets used for ?
  3. my other server got canceld :(
  4. Kayui

    A Last Favour...

    awwe.. buhbyes *hugs* even tho i dont know you lol
  5. I have a Lvl 213/132 Pally and i needa know what kinda armour i need or what card combos to put in each arrmor item what woud me a good armour combo with helm, armour and sheild, etc. can a pally ride ? if so, where can i get the thing that you ride ? i know id havta use a spear i think -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. what are all the most importand @ commands and / commands please list as many as you can [[note: @warp.. dont need all the zones]]
  7. What Are The Class Setups.. what do i put in for my Alt-A points for each Char Type Like in Mage, Theif, Gunslinger Please List All Classes and How to Train them ? Also whats a Good place for a lvl 154/96 Paly ?
  8. thank you all :) :blush: :blush: :lol: ^-^
  9. Helloz i made a new char on my aunts computer and the hotkeys wont come up... how can i get them back up so i can use my skills ?
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