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Everything posted by Lune

  1. Hello, I trade my Angeling Wings for coupons. Answer here or by PM (forum or in game) Thanks a lot.
  2. Sorry, I traded the Red Fairy Wings, don't have them anymore.
  3. Hello again o.o I'm looking for coupons. It would be really good if someone offered like 84 coupons but I can accept a bit less. PM me in game either to Lune or Rayne. Don't have them anymore.
  4. Hey, I sell my Red Fairy Wings, please offer me here or in game. My characters are : Lune, Rayne and Selena. Thanks!
  5. Lol, Steve you are quite handsome. Fluffy Marshmellow is going to kill me for this, but she said you were ok :D. She is not ugly either, don't be mean :P
  6. Lol, it seems that everybody is posting their pictures now. I'm posting two new pictures. This one is in my room. (Don't laugh) XD This one is in a costume party. I was kind of a Gypsy o.o
  7. Well, it's part of your face so it's like if I wore a mask and send you a picture. Something is missing :P
  8. Lol, Mike now you have to post a picture without covering your hair. Digital Camera or Webcam please. :P
  9. Lol, just message me in MSN and I'll answer. /gg
  10. LOLLLLL Ami, yours is soooo good :D You really made me laugh. *cheers*
  11. Lol, I've sent mine. I hope you like it :D
  12. Lol, I didn't add any effect to the photo, I dunno why it came out like that. It was in a dark place anyways. Thanks Arcane, though I'm not a model :D
  13. How come she has your mobile phone for like 1 week? I wouldn't be able to survive knowing that someone has mine :D
  14. Lol, you told me you had been to the barbers. Just take a picture with your Sidekick and don't be a nubb :P. Come on you lazy bum.
  15. Lol, Mike post one without covering your hair, please. Thanks !
  16. Buuu :o I'll post another picture of me. This one was in a party with some friends :D (It's a bit dark).
  17. Lol. Raph, just post one so that people know who you are. Nice picture Ethernal :P
  18. I have L2's picture /gg. *posts without his permission*. Joke :3 If he doesn't want to post it, I won't post it either.
  19. Heh, you are also pretty :P I like your pony tails :D
  20. Awwww ^^, thanks Arcane :D I haven't seen your picture yet. What page? :o
  21. Hey, this is me :D (I'm the one on the right)
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