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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Communism

  1. Agreed, those are some badass horns.
  2. Friend commited suicide this morning...won't be on for awhile. Bye guys.

    1. kuoch
    2. TensaZangetsu


      sad to hear, hope everything works out for there family and best of luck.

  3. Communism

    Mike Rotch

    We ARE the top.
  4. Exactly, we should be working on offense. Expert rings do not benefit a defensive linker unless they are trying to bolt while being hit, which is not a very smart idea because it messes up your resurrection. They would be purely for augmenting the bolting and stave crashing ability of linkers. Also, linker's ability to endlessly stay alive does not work in lms, tlms, or anything of that sort, so no one uses them in events like that. Perhaps if this was implemented they might see at least a bit more usage. There is also the fact to point out that even with full gear and 300 int linkers will still have 6k or less matk than profs, while profs get double bolt as well, so linker bolts would not be severely overpowered.
  5. Soul Linker Highness staff has finally given Soul Linkers the ability to at least try to go on the offensive, but they still lack a way to effectively do it. If you want to have the auto-kaziel build you need at least 2 slots for Dark Illusion cards which leaves you only 2 more free slots for kiels if you're using emp+ruck or scarf. Now, maybe I just suck at spamming, but cold bolt and fire bolt don't seem to be very spammable with 2 kiels. Therefore, my suggestion is to allow soul linkers to use expert rings so that they can actually defend themselves against classes like say-snipers or clowns. I would very much like to hear other people's opinions on this, so all constructive criticism is welcome.
  6. I agree with this suggestion, it would be nice if soul linkers were a more viable class in normal pvp.
  7. Communism

    Kitty Claws

    Totally agree with you.
  8. Heeeeeeey Brittttttt.

  9. Communism

    Ya Sup

  10. Communism

    Ya Sup

    Of course!
  11. Communism

    Ya Sup

    Heh, hi!
  12. Communism

    Ya Sup

  13. Communism

    Ya Sup

  14. Communism

    Ya Sup

  15. Communism

    Ya Sup

    whoa whoa whoa there :(
  16. Communism

    Ya Sup

    Probably. No, but for real, I guess I couldn't stay away from fRO forever.
  17. Communism

    See Ya.

  18. I have 2 suggestions to make about soul linkers, both of which concern items which are not currently usable by them. I believe soul linkers should be allowed to use strong shield and also book of the dead(heck, star gladiators can use this one and they're more melee oriented anyways so a less powerful class should be able to use it as well). I simply believe this would add more versatility to the pvp field without seriously unbalancing anything see as how soul linker isn't a class that's played very often anyways. Comments/feedback would be appreciate, and support this if you agree.
  19. Hi.
  20. Apostrophe' - Name of an album by Frank Zappa, one of the most talented and under appreciated musicians of all time in my opinion. Crescendo - A musical term, and I play guitar so there you go. The rest are all just words I happen to like.
  21. Agreed.
  22. oh shittttttttttttttttt
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