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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Amorous

  1. Happy 21st. :)

  2. Hi there! Yes, I have been rather inactive lately, unfortunately. I am sure you will see me soon!

  3. Welcome to the team! :D

  4. Welcome to the team! :D

  5. Welcome to the team! :D

  6. Welcome to the team! :D

  7. Welcome to the team! :D

  8. Welcome to the team! :)

  9. Welcome to the team. :)

  10. YES! MADE IT! 11:59! Happy Birthday, I hope it was the best it could be!


  12. Thank you for the friendly review. :) I'm currently on a break due to personal issues but I should be coming back soon! ♥

  13. I'm really busy lately. :( I'm barely available - even on msn.

  14. Hey you, I miss you too. :(

  15. Amorous

    Hpy Bdae John

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOHN! I hope it's a good one for you! You deserve to have a great birthday!
  16. Happy Birthday, John! Best wishes throughout your day!

  17. I love Disney but I'm afraid that it will ruin the whole comic idea. Disney is more of a family company that produces shows and movies made for the children environment. I'm not exactly sure if this could work out in a way that the Marvel fans would like. All we can really do is hope for the best, I suppose.
  18. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't that Zar'roc? From what I've collected from the books, Brisingr would have a sapphire blue blade.
  19. I agree with the Kingdom Key.
  20. Welcome to the Staff. :)

  21. You're welcome. :) I seen those your mom jokes and laughed. I love a good sense of humor in people. ♥

  22. Your personal photo cracks me up. :)

  23. I absolutely agree with you. I am sure people felt the same way about transcendent classes when they were first released, so do not be so quick to rule them out. I say if anything give it a test go and we'll see how everything works out.
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